Berkowitz Property_September to October 1979BERKOWITZ PROPERTY (ADD ON) Memo #7744, report on Bell property acquisition. In the afternoon, City Mgr. advised that instead of pursuing suggested acquisition of Bell property, an alternative was recommended. He submitted L.T.C.#80-79, setting forth recommendations of principals involved in conference, as a result of which, City Commission authorized 1) employment of 2 appraisers for Berkowitz property, Lot 13, Blk 1, amended plat of 2nd Oceanfront sub- division (5801 Collins Ave.); 2) retention of Mr. Bennett to negotiate for acquisition of said property; 3) City Mgr. and City Atty. to pursue acquisition of Berkowitz property through negotiation or condemnation (formal 1. Date 9/19/79 BERKOWITZ PROPERTY (continued) resolution to be presented to Commission on Sept. 20, 1979) and file lis pendens as soon as possible; and 4) City Atty. to draft al- ternative questions to be placed on Nov. 6, 1979 ballot, either to reallocate the $1.5 million in the Bell bond issue for the new property, or if that is not possible, to place a bond issue which would cover the Berkowitz acquisition, to be considered on Sept. 20, 1979. Mayor Haber was requested to confer with Mr. Broad and other interested parties in furtherance of Mr. Broad's proposal for contributing $100,000 toward project. (See Bell Property, Proposed Purchase of Property) 2 Date 9/19/79 BERKOWITZ PROPERTY 3 Date (ADD ON) Res. #79-16031 adopted, authorizing 9/20/79 and directingcity Atty. to file Eminent uomain procedings in order to acquire certain property described as Lot 13, Blk. 1, Amended Plat of Second Ocean Front Subdivision. (See Condemnations, Purchases -(Real Estate -(pro- posed C. acquired) ) (NOT ON AGENDA) Res. #79-16043 adopted, rescinding Res. #79-16031, which authorized and directed City Atty. to file eminent domain proceedings in order to acquire certain pro- perty described as Lot 13, Blk 1, Amended Plat 2nd Oceanfront Subdivision, and which also 10/3/79 BERKOWITZ PROPERTY (continued) provided for employment of a negotiator, etc. (See Condemnations for more detail, Purchases (Real Estate) - (proposed and acquired) -4-- Date 10/3/79