Bicycles_August 1973 to September 1974BICYCLES BICYCLE PATHS City Mgr requested by Mayor Hall tdTurnish Council with progress report within 60 days relative to construction of bicycle paths in the City Councilman Greene requested that Administration explore use of land on W.S. of Indian Creek Dr. and Collins Ave., from 71 St. to Lincoln Rd., to provide for bicycle paths. He also suggested that on Collins Ave. in 50's, stanchions from parking meters and signs could be removed to provide for travel. Memo 4171 and 4172, Public Hearing called for 10/3/73 at 3:00 pm to consider proposed bicycle path system for City of M.B. 9/5/73 Meeting Date 8/2/72 11/15/72 1 -A Meeting Date Councilman Rosen requested Administration to determine feasibility of closing certain streets to vehicular traffic on certain days during cer- tain hours for use by bicyclists and report back to Council at 9/5/73 meeting. 8/8/73 BICYCLE PATHS 2 Meeting Date Public hearing set by Council on 9/5/73 to consider proposed bicycle path system for the City of Miami Beach - hearing continued to Oct. 17, 1973, at 2:30 P.M. Memos 4171, 4172, 4180. 10/3/73 Hearing concluded and Council approved, in principle, proposed bicycle path system for the City of M.B. as recommended by Administra- tion, with recommendations made during discussion.l0/17/73 Council recommended: use of undeveloped area on both sides of Julia Tuttle Causeway be explored. Councilman Weinstein suggested that before definite plans are made for bike paths on perimeter of Normandy and Bayshore Golf Courses, that a BICYCLE PATHS 4 Meeting Date Messrs. Mitchell Hahn and John Morgan II 7/17/74 appeared regarding proposed bicycle paths in the City. Following discussion, the City Manager was directed to: 1) Consider Councilman Weinstein's suggestion that Fairway Drive be designated as a bicycle path as expeditiously as possible, and that as part of the Master Plan, whenever possible, streets be used as bicycle paths rather than expending funds to construct special bicycle paths. 2) Considerdesignating existing streets through- out the City to be used for bicycle traffic until the Master Plan is put into effect. BICYCLE PATHS 6 Meeting Date Councilman Weinstein requested the City Mgr. 9/19/74 to first contact the Co. Mgr. to ascertain whether funds are available to the City from the County's Decade of Progress bond issue for this purpose. Report of City Mgr. concerning proposed 9/23/74 bond issue for Bicycle Path System, re- quested by Mr. John Morgan, II. Deferred to 9/24/74. (SEE CARD 6-A for 9/24//4 action) Memo #4796, appropriation from Reserve Acct. 10/16/74 No. LC-8923Al2 authorized, $18,000 for partial development of City Bike Path. BICYCLES Book Page Proposed ordinance sponsored by the M.B. Junior Chamber of Commerce and Mayor's Safety Committee, re. licensing, inspecting and registering bicycles, held over to next meeting 11-3-54 36 314 15 bicycles, damaged and stripped, which were turned over to the Central Stores by the Police Dept., given to the Optimist Club of M. B. to be distributed to needy children. 12-5-62 45 220 BICYCLE PATHS 3 Meeting meeting be held with representatives of City's Parks and Recreation Dept. and Normandy Shores and Bayshore golf groups. Councilman Dr. Haber suggested some plans be made to complete loop along west side of City so entire City could be circled on bicycle path system. Vice Mayor Goodman asked Administration to ex- plore possibilities of bicycle rental concessions and possibly advertising for bids so that these rental concessions could commence operation at same time initial segment of bikeway paths is completed. Date 10/17/73 10/17/73 10/17/73 BICYCLE PATHS 5 Meeting Date 3) To report back to Council at the 8/7/74 7/17/74 meeting with a status report. Status report on bicycle paths submitted. Admini- stration to meet with interested parties to clari- fy questions raised at meeting. 8/21/74 Request of Mr. John P. Morgan 11 for a bond 9/19/74 issue to be included in the 11/5/74 ballot, to fund completion of the Bike -Way System. Report p. 8 -$240,000 bond issue, considered. and referred to City Mgr. for report and recom- mendations by 9/23 meeting as to appropriate amount. Petition submitted by Mr. Morgan filed. BICYCLE PATHS Report concerning proposed bond issue for Bicycle Path system requested by John Morgan II. Res. No. 74-14489 adopted, calling a Special Election on Nov. 5, 1974, for the purpose of submitting to the electorate for approval or rejection a bond issue in the amount of $300,000, at an interest rate not to exceed 71/2%, for the purpose of constructing certain segments of the City's Bike Path System in accordance with City and County Master Bike Plan. 9/24/74 6-A. Res. No. 74-14534 adopted, approving bond issue. 11/7/74