Bidders_September 1958 to June 1967BIDDERS No action on Councilman Richard's proposal of ordinance prohibiting taking of bids from concerns not within the city limits. 9x17-58 41 101 Councilman Powell's motion carries that henceforth it be established policy and expressed intention of Council to award concession contracts to best and most responsible bidder and that charter amendment making it mandatory be placed to a vote of the people. 10-18-61 44 243 Book Page BIDDERS On motion of Councilman Powell City Atty instructed to prepare whatever is necessary to amend Charter to require competitive bidding when awarding concession contracts so that it can be submitted to voters at election to be held not later than 2nd primary in May, 1962. 4b Book Page 2-7-62 44 363 Suggestion made that perhaps "alternate' bid item in future specifications should be clarified. 11-18-64 47 338 BIDDERS Book 3 Page Because of paucity of bids in some cases, City Manager requested to make survey of lists of prospective bidders used, and to report to Council. 6-22-66 50 Mr. Ben Wolf raises question re. invitations to bid for City's insurance needs. City Mgr. to review list and report back later in meeting. 6-7-67 52 378 58