Bingo_October 1967 to October 1974BINGO BOOK PAGE Third and final reading of amendment to Code regulating bingo deferred to 11/1/67. City Attorney to prepare required amendment to ordinance to meet valid objections raised by Attorney Burnett Roth. 10-18-67 52 347 3rd and final reading or ordinance amending zoning ordinance to include commercial bingo in permissible uses in "BC" Business District deferred to 11/15/67 meeting. 11-1-67 52 377 City Attorney to prepare required amendment for 11-15-67 meeting. 11-1-67 52 377 BINGO 6 Book Page Report of bingo games deferred to 6/4. 5/21/69 54 428 Reports from Fire & Police Chiefs received. Council requested Chiefs to confer & make recommendations to City Mgr. 6/11/69 54 493 Ord.-lst reading, amend. Article III, Chap.31, 6/19/74 City Code re Bingo games, to conform with recent amendments of Fla.Statute 849.093, and to permit City to collect fees/applications for licenses to better enforce present Bingo Ord., deferred to 7/10/74. Administration requested to furnish add'l. background info and recommendation. Copy of statute to be furnished Council. BINGO 8 Meeting Date City Attorney requested deferrment to 7/17/74 8/7/74, 11:00 a.m., the first reading of Ord. amending Article III, Chapter 31, of the City Code relating to Bingo Games, to conform with recent amendments to Fla. Statute 849.093 and to permit the City to collect fees and applications for licenses to better enforce the present Bingo ord. (Sent to City Council with Addendum) Ordinance amending Article 111, Chapter 31,of Code re Bingo games to conform with recent amend- ments to Fla.statute 849.093,to permit City to collect fees/applic.for licenses, passed on 1st re1,dinqith $150 fee incl.Hearing/2nd reading 9/19/744 400 8/7/74 BINGO City Mgr. enactment licensing to submit recommendation re. of ordinance regulating and bingo games. 7-25-67 Book Page 52 134 Ordinance passed on 1st & 2nd readings for regulation of bingo/etficense fee established. 8-30-67 52 227 3rd readin of ordinance for regulation of bingo /dEltErred to 10/4/67 meeting when Mr. Wanick will submit his report on Mr. Roth's suggestions. 9-20-67 52 279 Regulations on bingo, etc. --action deferred to 10/18/67 --City Attorney again instructed to submit his report. 10-4-67 52 321 BINGO Ordinance #1677 establishing regulations and license fees re. operation of bingo, etc. A policy declaration made that no City facili- ties be used at any time for playing bingo. 11-15-67 Ordinance #1678 re. inclusion of Commercial bingo in permissible uses in "BC" Business Districts. 11-15-67 5 BOOK PAGE 52 404 52 408 City Atty. advised that Judge Fritz Gordon says City can license bingo, if charges do not exceed cost to regulate operation. 5/12/69 54 424 City Atty. recommends no appeal from this, BINGO First reading of Ord. to amend Article III, Chapter 31, of the City Code relative to Bingo games - deferred to July 17, 1974 at 11:00 a.m. City Attorney to meet with Assistant Chief of Police, Larry Cotzin, and revise ordinance so as to fulfill the intent of the State Legislature to permit legitimate organizations to conduct bingo games and give the Police Dept. the necessary enforce- ment regulations. City Manager to submit recommendation for license fee to be incorporated in Ord. 7 Meeting Date 7/10/74 BINGO Amending Article III, Chapt. 31, of the City Code relating to Bingo games, pro- viding requirement for compliance with applicable Florida statutes, providing exemption for residences and other pro- visions. (1st reading 8/7/74). Hearing continued to 10/2/74 at request of City Mgr. Final reading for Amending Article III, Chapt. 31, continued from 9/19/74, con- tinued to 11/6/74 at 2:00 p.m. Rep. of Police Dept. to meet with City Atty. to resolve questions raised re: certain provisions in proposed ord. 9 Meeting Date 9/19/74 BINGO 10 Date Hearing concluded, Ord. No. 74-2012 ado ted, 11/6/74 amending Article III, Chap. 31, of t e ity Code relating to Bingo Games, providing re- quirement for compliance with applicable Fla. Statutes, providing exemption for residences, and other provisions. (First reading 8/7/74; final reading continued from 10/2/74). Amending Article III, Chapter 31, City Code relating to Bingo Games. Deferred to 2/19/75. Representative of Police Dept. to be present. 2/5/75 Amending Article III, Chap. 31, City Code, relating to Bingo Games (deferred from 2/5/75). Withdrawn by the Administration. 2/19/75 BINGO 10/2/74 11 Date Father O'Shea appeared and said : all necessary 10/1/75 steps required by City had been taken to obtain license to conduct bingo games in new Parish Hall; under impression that license would be issued in time for opening games on 10/7/75; has now been advised that City does not have jurisdiction and that approval has to be obtained from Dade Co; fearful that there is not sufficient time to ob- tain such approval. Councilman Weinstein suggested and Council agreed: Fr. O'Shea meet with City Atty. and City Mgr. and a representative of City be desig- nated to assist Fr. O'Shea so Ch rch an be assured of opening on date advertised. (NOTE) Following Council meeting, City Atty. authorized License Sec- tion to issue license requested.