Biscayne Bay_September 1958 to November 1979tISCAYNE BAY 2. Book Page Letter to Corps of Engineers from City Mgr. re. hurricane protective measures for Biscayne Bay authorized 9-3-58 41 83 Edward Einhorn's request to permit rental of sailboats from 100 -room hotel in "BAA" District referred to Marine Advisory Board for recommenda- tion. City Manager to notify Mr. Einhorn of Board's next meeting. 12-20-67 Filling, dredqinq,etc.- see CHARTER AMENDMENTS. Meeting date BISCAYNE BAY 3 Meeting date RES.13335 calling spec.election sub- mitting charter amendmt prohibiting dredging,etc. 8-18-71 ...RES.13338 asking Metro to pro- hibit future dredging, filling. 8-18-71 Appearance by Dr. Ronald Loring seeking Coun- 1/21/76 cil endorsement to protest netting of fish in Biscayne Bay which endangers all sport fishing. Res. #76-14935 adopted, following Dr. Loring's presentation, setting forth Council's opposition to recent rescission by Metro Commission of Co. ordinances banning net fishing in Bay and urging their reimposition and requesting Fla. Dept. of Natural Resources to support that position; BISCAYNE BAY (continued) requesting Governor and State Legislature to take necessary action to uphold City's position to protect fish life in Biscayne Bay. Request of W. R. Lazarus, Director, Izaak Walton League of America, for C.M.B. resolu- tion endorsing concept of extension of Bis- cayne National Monument Park. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. (See Resolutions - Misc) Mr. W. R. Lazarus, Director, Izaak Walton League of America, appeared and was heard re: C.M.B. resolution endorsing concept of exten- sion of Biscayne National Monument Park. Res. #79-16085 adopted, supporting concept: 4 Date 1/21/76 11/7/79 11/21/79 BISCAYNE BAY 5 (continued) Date copy to be forwarded to County Commissioner James Redford, per request of Mr. Lazarus. (See Resolutions - Misc) 11/21/79