Biscayne Point_April 1939 to December 1954r,e BISCAYNE POINT 0vmers request means of access to their property as building construction is centelated 12-12-32 City agrees to make present road safe and bring street extensions to grade upon the receipt of easements from Biscayne Point Co. 12-12-32 City Mgr. to negotiate for right- of-way through Tatum Prop. 6/21/33 Road to Biscayne Point referred to Committee (Ralston,Burbridge & City Mgr. 2/21/34 12. 11, 458 11,458 12,92 2x43 BISCAYNE POINT Res.#4492 authorizing fill of Property lying west of Altos Del Mar -and owned by Henry-- L. Doherty Co.Inc. 4/5/39 Book Page 18 Doherty--CO.offers right of way thru Tatum -Tract and Bridge;also to fill land providing City will pave streets 18 on Biscayne Point -5/3/39 Atty.Moon requests amendment to Zoning Ordinance to specify minimum number of cubic feet in homes in Biscayne Point 8-2-39 18 BISCAYNE POINT BISCAYNE POINT Book Page 3 Appropriation made to assure water service to Biscayne Point 9-22-39 18 283 31 Appropriation of $1,383.36 made from Current Funds Surplus for paving 77th bt.& Biscayne Point Streets 3/6/40 19 15 Appropriation made for installing 56 Watermains on Biscayne Point -3/28/40-----i9- 46 Contract for oiling ---and_ sanding._atreets on Biscayne Point awarded to Est. of J. F. McFarlin - 5/1/40 19n 104 183 Watermair, installations on Biscayne Point authorized 5/15/40 19 128 Book 4. Page $2800.00 appropriated for pipe hand rails on Biscayne Point Bridges 1/29/41 20 31 BISCAYNE POINT Tentative approval given of a resubdivision of Block 19, Biscayne Point 10-7-53 35 67 Council advised of proposed resubdivision of Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Point. City Mgr. to study and set up regulations in connection with future resubdivisions to prevent overcrowding of land. 9-1-54 36 149 Action deferred on tentative plat of resubdivision of Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Point 9-15-54 36 159 5 Book Page BISCAYNE POINT 6 Book Page Council advised of proposed re- subdivision of Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Point. City Mgr. to study and set up regulations in connection with future resubdivisions to prevent overcrowding of land. 9-1-54 36 Action deferred on tentative plat of resubdivision of Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Point 9-15-54 36 Hearing re. resubdivising Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Pt., set for October 20th 10-6-54 36 BISCAYNE POINT 7 Book Page Discussion re. proposed replatting of Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Point. Res. #8792 approving plat resubdividing Lot 33, Blk 10, Biscayne Point. Suggestion made re. lot on south side 149 of island as to area district. 10-20-54 36 233 Meeting to be arranged between bus company, 159 Biscayne Pt. Home Owners Ass'n and Asst. City Mgr. to discuss petition from Biscayne Pt. residents seeking improved 207 bus service 12-8-54 36 360 BISCAYNE POINT 8 Book Page Petition filed asking for immediate construction of sanitary sewers on Biscayne Point. City Mgr. advises sewers for this island and others will be included in any future bond issue. 12-15-54 36 380 Application to State Board of Health for approval of plans and specifications for Biscayne Point sanitary sewers approved. Res. #9111. 8-3-55 37 BISCAYNE POINT City Mgr. advises that bids for construction of water storage tank at 77th St. and sanitary sewers on Biscayne Pt. had been received. Suggests holding over bids until next meeting for definite action 8-17-55 Low bidder on Biscayne Pt. sanitary sewer project authorized to buy pipe 304 provided he is willing to give City assurance he will take the contract at his Quoted price if Sewer Bonds are sold2-15-56 38 65 Book Page 37 331 9