Biscayne Point_February 1957 to November 1982BISCAYNE POINT 10 Book Page Property owners object to any proposed sidewalk construction without public hearing, in that area. Survey to be made to determine who wants sidewalks and the people whe object,by the Biscayne Property Owners Assn. Notification to be given property owners affected if any sidewalk construction is considered. 2-6-57 39 91 Hearing called re. proposed construction or sidewalks on Biscayne Point 8-21-57 39 490 BISCAYNE POINT Book Red colored sidewalks to be installed on Biscayne Point 11-27-57 Council approves plan to landscape streets on Biscayne Pt. bet. pavement and sidewalk edges. $15,000 to be diverted from Biscayne Pt. Sidewalk Funds and $16,000 authorized from ucf to meet estimated cost of $31,000 for this project 3-5-58 40 $10,000 authorized from ucf for entire cost of landscaping approaches to bridges and lights for same and identification n62arks for Biscayne Point 12 Page 40 146 BISCAYNE POINT Proposed acquisition of Lots Waterway Sub. Project not el open space monies. City Atty resol. re. issuance of bond p BISCAYNE POINT 11 Book Page Hearing re. proposed construction of sidewalks on Biscayne Pt. No action on request to postpone hearing. Petitions requesting sidewalk construction presented. City Mgr. explains City policy re. requests for sidewalks. Construction ordered (SK -232). Res. #9588 9-4-57 No action taken on request for beautification of Biscayne Point 7 gg Complaint registerd re. color of Biscayne Point sidewalks 11-20-57 40 1 40 4 4o 135 BISCAYNE POINT 13 Book Page Re. high-rise construction, 77th Street and Tatum Waterway Drive --protests (Biscayne Point Home Owners Association) registered as to proposed construction and Council urged to acquire property for parks and recreation purposes. Resolution #12615 adopted directing City Attorney to institute condemnation pro- ceedings to acquire Lots 1 - 7, Block 2, Tatum 315 Waterway Subdivision. Judge Rosen, representing owners of the property, advised of intention to pursue issuance of building permit through courts. 1-15-69 54 141 393 See Tatum Waterway property - proposed acquisition for park & recreation purposes. 14 BOOK PAGE 1-7, Tatum igible for . to approve roperty. 2/19/69 54 See Tatum Waterway property - Proposed acquisition for park and recreation purposes. BISCAYNE POINT (continued) according to plat as pg. 35 of pub. recs. retention by City of either side of alley ALLEYS AND STREETS) recorded in Plat Bk. 14, of Dade Co., Fla., subj. to 10' utility easement (5' on ctr. line). (see VACATION OF 206 16 DATE 1/7/81 Memo 8960, res. approving creation of Special Taxing Dist. for Bisc. Point Subdivision to provide 24 -hr. guard serv., subj. to compliance w/applicable Metro. Dade Co. Charter & Code requirements. Hrg. scheduled for 5/6/81 at 4 p.m. (see SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) 4/15/81 BISCAYNE POINT 18 Date Memo 732-82, request for abandonment of alley on 11/17/82 Biscayne Pt. bet. N. Biscayne Pt. Rd. & Cleveland Rd. fr. N. Biscayne Pt. Rd. to Cecil St. Admin. recommended Comm. schedule pub. hrg. to consider abandonment of alley, retaining 10' underground utility easement (5' fr. each adjoining prop.). Atty Melvin J. Richard, rep'g. 1 of affected prop. owners, appeared. Hrg. scheduled for 12/15/82 at 3 p.m. C. Atty to determine if City actually holds title to prop., in view of Mr. Richard's contention that City has never maintained or utilized same; C. Atty to submit rep. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS & STREETS) BISCAYNE POINT 15 DATE Memo 8670, Atty. Melvin Richard appeared re. 12/17/80 request for abandonment of alley on Biscayne Pt. bet. So. Biscayne Pt. Rd. & Daytonia Rd. from So. Biscayne Pt. Rd. to Fowler St. Hearing sched. for 1/7/81 @ 2:30 p.m. to consider aban- donment of east -west alley in block 11, Biscayne Pt., plat bk. 14, pg. 35, Dade Co. Pub. Recs. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS AND STREETS) Hearing to consider request of abutting prop. 1/7/81 owners for abandonment of Biscayne Ft. alley bet. So. Bisc. Pt. Rd. & Daytonia Rd. frm. So. Bisc. Pt. Rd. to Fowler St. held & concluded. Res. 81-16515 adopted, authorizing abandonment of east -west alley in block 11, Biscayne Pt. BISCAYNE POINT 17 Date Pub. hrg. to consider the adoption of a res. 5/6/81 approving the creation of a Special Taxing District for Biscayne Pt. Subdiv., held & concluded. Photo- copies of signed petitions requesting creation of Dist., submitted by Mrs. Nancy Liebman. Res. 81-16653 adopted, approving creation of dist. for Biscayne Pt. to provide 24 -hr. guard serv., subj. to compliance w/applicable Metro. Dade Co. Charter & Code requirements. No action taken on request of Mr. Melvin Richard to hold hrg. at a later date. (see SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) BISCAYNE POINT Memo 732-82, request for abandonment of alley on Biscayne Pt. bet. N. Biscayne Pt. Rd. & Cleve- land Rd. fr. N. Biscayne Pt. Rd. to Cecil St., def. to 1/5/83 at 4:30 p.m. Time Certain at request of Atty Melvin Richard, due to lateness of hour. Atty Joseph H. Weil (rep'g 1 of prop. owners) stated he had no objection to the defer- ment. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS AND STREETS) Rev. Memo 732-82, request for abandonment of alley 1/5/83 on Biscayne Pt. bet. N. Biscayne Pt. Rd. & Cleve- land Rd. fr. N. Biscayne Pt. Rd. to Cecil St. Hrg. held & concluded. Atty Melvin Richard, rep'g Samuel Palencia (owner lots 14 & 15, 1345 Cleve- land Rd.), pres'd. request & offered (cont'd) 19 Date 12/15/82