Biscayne Point_January to June 1983BISCAYNE POINT (Cont'd) res. disclaiming all City int. in subj. alley. Atty Joseph Weil, rep'g Mrs. Shames (owner of lots 12 & 13, 1335 Cleveland Rd.), & others, spoke in opposition to requested abandonment. Action def. to 1/19/83. Mayor Ciment requested Atty Richard to det. if const. of his client's swimming pool would encroach into alley prop. or if such is needed to meet required setbacks for pool; also C. Atty det. course of action for City to take & submit report & recommendation. (see VACATIONS OF ALLEYS AND STREETS) Lu Date 1/5/83 BISCAYNE POINT Date 4 20/83 RIC 21 Memo 250-83, request of Melvin J. Richard, Atty to discuss City vacating prop. behind his client's home - east -west alley in B1. 12 of Biscayne Pt. Hrg scheduled for 5/17/83 at 3 p.m. Fol. mtg., Mr. Richard advised C Mgr's office he would be out of the city on 5/17, hrg. rescheduled to 6/1/83 at 3 p.m. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS AND STREETS) 22 BISCAYNE POINT Date 5/4/83 Hrg. scheduled for 5/17/83 re vacation of alley R -IIA on Biscayne Point (E/W behind 1345 Cleveland Rd., Samuel & Sabud Palencia) rescheduled for 6/1/83 at 3 PM at request of Atty. Melvin J. Richard. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS AND STREETS) BISCAYNE POINT Date 6/1/83 R3K 23 Memo 250-83. Atty Melvin 1dchard pres'd request of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Palencia to acquire title of alley on Biscayne Pt. Rd. & Cleveland Rd., fr. No. Biscayne Pt. Rd. to Cecil St. Hrg. held & concluded. (Sev. neighboring props. advised they had no objection to request, but were not asking to be accorded similar treatment for alley abutting their props.) Res. 83-17368 adopted, auth'g abandonment of alley abutting 1345 Cleveland Rd. (lots 14 & 15, BI. 12, Biscayne Pt. Subdiv.), subj. to retention by City of 10' underground utility easement (5' on either side of alley center line), & auth'g execution by City of a Quit -Claim Deed for BISCAYNE POINT Date (Cont'd) 67T3 same. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS AND STREETS) 24