Boats_June to November 1978BOATS 72 (continued) Date to June 28, 1978. (See Planning Commission) 6/7/78 Hearing held and concluded. Action deferred 6/28/78 to 9/6/78 at 3:00 p.m. re: amending Zoning Ord. re: creation of Marine Districts 1 and 2; de- fining properties covering by said districts; establishing various criteria, definitions, as recommended by Planning Brd. (called 5/17/78 for 6/21, but re -set on 6/7/78 to 6/28/78). Mayor Haber appointed a Study Committee consist- ing of attys. Paul Berger, Michael Katz and Judge Jason Berkman, with Commissioner Weisburd as Commission liaison, to meet with Planning Director and Marine Authority and Planning Com- mission chairmen, to attempt to resolve BOATS Res. #78-15745 adopted, placing 9 -month moratorium, effect__ e as of 10/18/78, on any addl. construction or installation of houseboats, housebarges, or live - aboard watercraft that are not self-propelled. City Mgr. and City Atty. together with Planning Board and Marine Authority, to make necessary studies and sur- veys, and hold public hearings as they shall deem necessary, in order to formulate such proposed ordi- nances concerning houseboats, etc., as deemed appropriate. BOATS (continued) 2) rezone a parcel of land lying along the eastern bank of Indian Creek Waterway between 55th and 41st St. from Zoning Classification RS -4 to MD -II; rezone a portion of land along eastern bank of Indian Creek Waterway and Lake Pancoast between 41st St. and 24th St. from Zoning Classification RS -4 to MD -I. (To be rescheduled at June 7, 1978 meeting.) (See Zoning, Planning Commission) 71 Date 5/17/78 Res. #78-15643 adopted, amending Res.#78-15624, 6/7/78 so as to change hearing date from June 21, 1978 at 3:00 p.m., to June 28, 1978, at 3:00 p.m., re: Planning Brd. recommendation regarding estab- lishment of Marine Zoning Districts I and II, BOATS ' (continued) differences between proponents and opponents of proposed Ord. V.M. Malek requested that Com- missioners be advised of Committee meetings when scheduled. Comissioner Weinstein directed Administration to have house barge at 41st St., removed from city immediately. (See Planning Commission, Zoning) Memo #7067, Planning Brd. recommendation: a proposed moratorium - houseboats, housebarges, live -aboard watercraft. Public hearing scheduled for 10/18/78 at 3:00 p.m. (See Plan- ning Brd.) 73 Date 6/28/78 9/6/78 BOATS 73B 73A (continued) Date Date barge, pleasure craft and live aboard; creating Marine Districts I and II; defining properties covered by said districts; establishing various criteria; allowing for existing houseboat dockage to be continued for a period of not more than 32 yrs from 6/28/78, subject to certain conditions. Memo #7146. Hearing and 2nd reading scheduled for 11/15/78 at 2:00 p.m. Comm. Friedman requested a report from Admin. as to impact of marine traffic on the 63rd St. bridge. 10/18/78 Ord. adopted on 1st reading, amending Zoning Ord. 10/18/78 No. 1891, defining terms commercial vessel, house - BOATS 73c Date Hearing held and concluded. Ord. #78-2143 11/15/78 adopted amending Zoning Ord. #1891, defining terms commercial vessel, housebarge, pleasure craft and live aboard; creating Marine Districts I and II; ...etc. (See Zoning, Docks & Wharves , Marine Ord.) 10/18/78 Reso. #78-15749 adopted, amending Reso. #78-15745, pertaining to houseboats and housebarges, to delete therefrom reference to "houseboats" 11/1/78