Boats_March 1965 to May 1971BOA 1st reading ordinance amending Chapter 7 of Code, re. docking of houseboats, etc. for private club purposes, in areas zoned higher than "BA" 3-3-65 48 Book 3rd reading above ordinance, as amended, amending Chapt. 7 of Code, Ordinance #1552 adopted. 3-24-65 48 City Atty directed to prepare amendment to horsepower of power boats Code increasing permitted to be used as accessory use in oceanfront hotels. City Mgr. to obtain Marine Board's recommendation. 8-11-65 49 217 43 Page BOATS . 44 Book Page Res. 411597 calling zoning hearing on 10/7/65 to consider increasing horsepower of power boats permitted as accessory use 393 in oceanfront hotels to 10 h.p. as recommended by Marine Advisory Board. 8-18-65 49 234 Zoning hearing held re. above. 413 City Atty to prepare necessary to Zoning Ordinance. 10-7-65 BOATS 45 Ord. 41568 adopted amending Zoning Book Page Ord. increasing horsepower of small craft used at ocean front hotels to 10 hp. City Mgr. to advise manufacturer that these boats are barred from Indian Creek by ordinance. 11-20-65 49 Ord. 1769 adopted repealing Sec. 7.16 (residing on boats in certain waterways); amending Sec. 7.17(penalty); ALSO creating standards controlling water pollution. Proposed ord. re. living on boats, etc. deferred until review by Marine Bd. and Harold Toal. 6-18-69 55 amendment 49 299 1st and 2nd reading ord.amending Zoning Ord. increasing horsepower of small craft used at ocean front hotels to 10 h.p. 10-20-65 49 339 BOATS Proposed Res. referred to Marine Bd. for study re amending zoning Ord. re boats in single-family area. ....RES.13088, calling hearing 411 10-21-70. 5 BOATS 47 Meeting date Ord. re connecting with sewer system amending Sec.7.11.1, Chap.7, removed from agenda, for future scheduling. Appearance by Robt. Gilbert, Geo. Berkley. 10-7-70 PRIOR TO THIS DATE SEE ALSO "HOUSEBOATS" - AFTER THIS DATE "BOATS" category is all-inclusive) BOATS Keeping in single-family districts: deferred to 1-20-71. Vote on ORD.1862 to be reconsidered on 2-3-71, re mooring, etc. 49 Meeting date Houseboats: hearing on 2-17 re CC vote repealing Ord.1862 re mooring (Magnes). Ads placed, notices to be sent. ....hearing held; motion to repeal Ord. FAILED. (instructions of 12-2-70 remain; ORD. effective 5-14-71.) • 1-6-71 1-20-71 2-3-71 2-17-71 BOATS 51 Meeting date (mooring, residing) Amending Ord. re houseboats/ deferred to 5-18 at request of Leo J. Rosen re- presentg Gordon Cooper. ....deferred to 6-2 requested by Gordon Cooper. ....deferred to 7-7; Gordon Cooper requested full CC. City Atty to obtain Fed. regulations re boat pollutn on 7-7 (Magnes) ....1st reading FAILED. Zoning Ord.re houseboat mooring violations to be enforced (Greene).Marine Advisory Bd. to formulate reguations to protect owners, public (Weinstein), to request assistance from Gordon Cooper (Weinstein). 5-5-71 5-18-71 6-2-71 7-7-71 Parking on streets: Ord. passed on 1st, 2nd readings, making this unlawful. (amended Chap.25) To be redrafted. 46 Meeting date 6-24-70 8-19-70 9-16-70 Mooring without city permit: 1st, 2nd readings passed amending Chap.7, prohibit,kng mooring. BOATS -Residing on: 3rd reading deferred to 11-4. ,. 1120;:= , L Parking on street: ORD.1852, limiting parking to 2 hrs. Mooring without permit: ORD.1853, re trespassing on public shores. Unlawful mooring, "houseboat" definition - ORD.1862. 12-2-70 Adm.to intensify Code enforcement re waterway debris and prohibition of leasing 12-2-70 dock space by apts.,hotels. 9-16-70 48 Meeting date 10-21-70 10-21-70 10-21-70 BOATS Zonip Amendinq/ urd. re boats in single- family areas - not reached - agenda of 3-17. ....deferred to 4-7 (Greene) as full CC not present. 3-17-71 ....agenda of 4-21, as full CC not present; amendmt did not receive 5 votes. 4-7-71 ....agenda of 5-5,when full CC present. 4-21-71 50 Meeting date 3-3-71 Residing on boats: not reached; agenda 5-5. 4-21-71 Amending Zoning Ord re boats in single- family dists, FAILED on 1st reading. 5-5-71 ti UA 1 5 Motion to levy inspection fee fails Pres. of Chamber of Commerce outlined proposal to provide Houseboat Office and Information Center on Indian Creek at the Doral Hotel. Council voted to en- dorse Chamber's idea. City Atty. advised Chamber would have to proceed with re- quest through Planning Commission. Re: complaint of lack of enforcement for removal of surkenboats, City Mgr.advised that Metro ordinances covering removal of abandoned autos would be applicable to removal of abandoned boats. Meeting Date 9/30/71 (This item see Chamber of Commerce) 3/15/72 12/20/72