Boats_May 1973 to May 1977BOATS
0mp6sai ngnoccupChap. i a occupational censet City
space used by vessels as living quarters:
action postponed and City Mgr. asked to
arrange meeting with houseboat owners, and to advise them
of proposed licensing, amounts to be paid, money
to be used to keep waterways clean, and to
return to Council about 30 days with recommenda-
tion on which Council can pass. Marine Inspec-
tion Bd. to be part of deliberations.
Reports re:
Waterway Pollution Control and dock inspection.
Utilization of City waterfront for marine
City -owned property adjactnt to 46,52 and 675 Sts.
Meeting Date
City Mgr. directed to obtain info from boat
owners to determine how they pay their
rents, to whom, etc.
Also to determine if they'd be willing to pay
the City in order to rent spaces for own purposes.
Councilman Weinstein asked the Administration
return to Council with recommendations for control
of pollution and adoption of such rules the Marine
Inspector and Administration feel are necessary
to control waterway pollution.
Meeting Date
at 9/4/74 meeting, which will incorporate 7/10/74
all existing Code and/or ordinance regula-
tions into one overall Chapter on marine
Amending Chapter 7 of the City Code relating 9/4/74
to Marine activities (requested by Council
on 7/10/74). Deferred to 10/16/74.
Marine Advisory and Inspection Board members,
as well as City Attorney, City Manager and PW
Director, to review ordinance, particularly with
respect to requirement for houseboats to hook
into City sewers. City Manager to notify
boating interests and furnish Council with
(cont'd) Date
Docks & Wharves) . 973775
Public hearing continued to Oct. 15, 1975 at 9/17/75
2:00 p.m., re: ord. amending Chap.7 of City
Code, to be known as the "Marine Ordinance",
(first reading 7/16/75, public hearing con-
tinued from 9/3/75). Meeting to be held in
interim by Marine Advisory & Inspection Brd.
with interested parties to explain ord. and
allay fears of houseboat owners. (See also Docks
& Wharves and Marine Ord.)
Request by Atty. Joseph Pardo to discuss en- 12/17/75
forcement of Zoning Ord. Sec. 8-1B.8, refer-
ring to Boats and Boat Trailers parked on
at request of Atty. Steve Cypen, representing
Mr. Fried.
Request of Mr. Stanley Fried for acceptance of
offer to lease portion of 44th St. street -end
for houseboat docking purposes, pursuant to
Sec. 7-62 of City Code (deferred from 9/15/76).
Mr. Fried requested to meet with City Mgr. and
City Atty. to work out appropriate lease agree-
ment, for 10/20.
Authorizing execution of lease with Mr. Stanley 10/20/76
Fried for portion of 44th St. Street -end for
houseboat docking purposes pursuant to Sec. 7-62
of City Code. Deferred to Nov. 3, 1976. Council
Meeting Date
Mayor Hall said regulations governing discharge
ot effluents into waterways should be enforced.
(Sec. 7.21 and 7.22 of Code) re: facilities
of houseboats for handling sewage, etc. Dr. Haber
asked for report as to steps taken re: compliance
of boats, etc. on which people live. 5/16/73
Councilman Haber's proposal re: city -owned property
on Indian Creek for marina purposes - City Mgr.
asked to report re: cost involved of developing
those properties along Indian Creek, April 26, 1973
if City were to operate them and anticipated
revenue therefrom. 5/16/73
City Mgr. to contact property owners adjacent to
Suggestion by Planning Bd. that City's Marine
Ordinance, covering enforcement re Condition of
surrounding waters,be considered for adoption -
deferred to 6/19/74.
Suggestion by Planning Bd.(as above), deferred 6/19/74
to 7/10/74.
Suggestion of Planning Board that a proposed 7/10/74
Marine Ord. covering enforcement of the pro-
visions relating to condition of the waters
and docks surrounding the City of Miami Beach,
be considered for adoption.
City Attorney directed to prepare
appropriate ordinance for Council consideration
Meeting Date
report on what the City's cost would be to provide
sewer lines. 9/4/74
Ordinance passed on first reading amending
Chaptr. 7 of City Code, to be known as the
"City of M.B. Marine Ordinance". Hearing
and second reading scheduled for 9/3/75.
(See also Marine Ord. and Docks & Wharves).
Hearing continued to 9/17/75 at 2:00 p.m.,
amending Chapt. 7 of City Code to be known as
"The Marine Ordinance". (1st reading 7/16/75).
LTC 370-75 from City Mgr. requesting deferral
to enable him to give study to certain features
of ordinance filed. (see also Marine Ord. &
private property. Not reached. Deferred to
Letter from Mr. Joseph Pardo re: provisions of
Sec. 8-1B.8 of Zoning Ord. which prohibits
parking of boats and boat trailers in front
yards, (deferred from 12/17/75), referred to
Planning Board.
Request of Mr. Stanley Fried for acceptance
of offer to lease portion of 44th St. street -
end for houseboat docking purposes, pursuant
to Sec. 7-62 of City Code. Deferred to 10/8/76,
agreed to request of attorney for Mr. Fried to
continue court case involving violations for
which Mr. Fried has been cited.
Res. #76-15181 adopted, authorizing execution 11/3/76
of lease with Mr. Stanley Fried for portion of
44th St. street -end for houseboat docking pur-
poses pursuant to Sec. 7-62 of City Code (defer-
red from 10/20/76), at $100 per mo. commencing
Nov. 1, 1976, on a month-to-month basis.
M.B. Taxpayers' Assn. Director Bernard Osnos to 5/18/77
to speak on subject of housebarges on Indian
Creek. Mrs. Walter Mead and Mr. Robert Z. Greene
appeared and requested that houseboats be