Boats_May 1977 to May 1978BOATS 70
(continued) Date
prohibited on Indian Creek. Councilman Spaet and
Administration to evaluate subject of houseboats
and submit a report in one month's time. 5/18/77
Memo #6891, Planning Brd. recommendation re- 5/17/78
garding establishment of Marine Zoning Dis-
tricts I and II. Res. #78-15624 adopted,
calling hearing for June 21, 1978, at 3:00 p.m.,
to consider recommendations of Planning Brd.
Hearing called to consider recommendations of
Planning Brd. that Zoning Ord. be amended so as
to 1) create new zoning districts to be designated
MD -I Marine District and MD -II Marine District;
providing for uses permitted therein, etc.;