Bonds_October 1928 to January 1936Book, Page__ Clerk authorized to advertise in Bond ------ Buyer & Wall Street Journal for 436 19y30-1931 Maturities 8-13-30 10, 243 Comments from The Bond Buyer & Florida League of Municipalities filed 8-20-30 10, 251 Comment of Caldwell & Raymond filed 8-27-30" 253 9, 214 Res.2418: Authorizing advertisement of Charter Changes on issuance of bonds 11, 22 BONDS ALSO SEE SPECIAL CAPTION: BOND ISSUES BONDS Clerk authorized to cancel City Bonds purchased -by -City 10-22-28 Clerk authorized to purchase 103 Series "J" M. B. Bonds 2-20-29 Clerk authoxjzed to pirohase lift en Series "F" M. B. Bonds 5-29-29 1:. BONDS 2. BOOK, PAGE 9, 66 Of Issue of July 1,_1926 cancellM by -Res. -2009 5-29-29 "L" & $75,000 Flamingo 1, 1929,cancellei_30 $146,000 Series Park,dated July Res. 2235 BONDS $225,000.00 Bonds cancelled (authorized but not issued) Res.2605 Res. pertaining to the Payment of interest coupons on certain bonds Res. 2608 4-27-33 Res.pertaining to payment of "bonds and interest coupons on certain bonds Res. 2638 Res.providing for July 1st, interest coupons Res.#2644 &2645 6/22f33 92 2]7- Clerk authorized to 10, 115 3. 4-19-33 12, 28 6/7/33 12, 38 purchase cert City Bonds 10-23_iain 1 11,214 $56,000 1933s cancelled 7-9-32 11,357 BONDS 4. Res.pertaining to payment Book,Page of Sept. lst,1933 coupons #2659 8/7/33 12, 117 also Res. #2660 if 12, 118 Res. pertaining to payment of Oct. 1st, 1933 coupons #2668 8/28/33 12,130 also Res. #2669 8/28/33 12, 131 Res. pertaining to payment of November 1st, 1933 coupons#2682 10/4/33 12,147 also Res. #2683 10/4/33 12, 14 12, 78 Res.perta.inin to g payment of _ 93 Jan l st ,193 4 interest #2710 12/k/33 12,92 & also #2711 BONDS 5. Book Page tes.#2867 requesting Miami Beach 1st National Bank to transfer their Inter- est Coupon Paying Account at the Chemical Bank & Trust Co. to account of City of Miami Beach 6/6/34 12 432 Tentatively agreed to reduced bonded debt throughout 1941 to 1947 6/1/1/34 12, 474 City of Miami Bead bonds being held as investments ordered cancelled 6/28/34 12, 472 150M in Trust & Current Funds made avail- able for purchase of bonds 7/25/34 13 17 Cancellation ofCity owned bonds authorized 8/8/34 13 42 ANDS - 7. Book Page Proof of publishing notice of Call of 471 Refunding Bonds 6/5/35 13 Res.#3310 authorizing8/26$1.789,000.Bonds /35 14 Proofs of posting notices calling for bids for sale of $1,789,000. refund- ing Bonds of 1136 11/13/35 14 No bids received 11/13/35 14 $1,789,000. Refunding Bonds of 1936 sold at private sale Res.3363 11/13/35 437 79 181 181 14 188 BONDS 7 City owned Bonds ordered cancelled Oat. 17, 1934 12, 200 6. Book Page 13 116 12 Refunding Bonds and 19_Improve- ment Bonds, Series "J" due in 1941 ordered cancelled Nov. 7th,1934 13 141 471 Refunding Bonds to be redeemed by drawing by lot Rees.#3208 5/15/35 13 419 Drawing of 471 Refunding Bonds by lot and affidavit covering said drawing 5/15/35 13 423 BONDS John Nuveen, Jr. offered 98$ on the dollar for $1,789,000. Re- funding Bond Issue of 1936. Offer refused. 11/13/35 14 188 Resolution No. 3363 accepting Prbvate Bid for $1,789,000. Bond Issue of 1936. 11/13/35 14 188 Proof of publishing notices call- ing Bonds as of 1/1/35 12/4/35 14 223 35 Refunding Bonds of Jan.lst,1936 Issue ordered cancelled 1/29/36 14 286