Arthur Godfrey Road_February 1956 to December 1978ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD 1A Meeting Day Councilman Magnes' motion that the City Mgr. be empowered to study problems of 41 St. commercial bldg. re: parking situation, what changes should be made, what recommendations should be made, what zoning to be changed; taking into consideration height limitation, etc. leading to improvements which can be made for development of commercial property in this area, carried unanimously. 10/4/72 Re: on -street parking - 41 St., Councilman Weinstein requested Administration to examine feasibility of either discontinuing use of parking meters at' night or removing parking completely from A.Godfrey Rd. and report back. 1/23/74 ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD 3 Date Hearing held and concluded. Res. ##78-15687 8/2/78 calling election adopted, authorizing placement of bond question on 10/5/78 ballot to finance reconstruction of Arthur Godfrey Road from Biscayne Bay to Atlantic Ocean; Indian Creek Dr. from 39th to 44th Sts; Collins Ave. from 44th St. to 46th St., (called 6/28/78). Public Informa- tion Officer requested to cooperate with M.B. Chamber of Commerce and all other local civic organizations to assist in dissemination of information to thepublic. Memo #7020. Res. #78-15736 adopted, declaring results of 10/18/78 Special Election held on Oct. 5, 1978, as follows: ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD (continued) 11/15/78 for full Commission. Memo #7181, consultant selection - revitali- zation of Arthur Godfrey Road. Administration authorized to negotiate a contract with Carr Smith and Assoc., and submit for Commission approval. Memo 47244, consultant contract with Carr, Smith and Associates for revitalization of Arthur Godfrey Rd. Res. #7$-15790 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement at a fee not to exceed $138,000. ($90,000 available from Work Order 2758 and additional $48,000 to be available from sale of 10/5/78 bond issue.) ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD (continued) of sign does not exceed 300 sq. ft. total, and 2) should it be determined to be inconsistent with 41st St. Revitalization Plan, upon such notification, sign to be removed within 30 days. (See Signs) 5 Date 11/1/78 11/15/78 12/6/78 7 Date 12/6/78 Memo #7384, re: amendatory deed with Co. Brd. 3/7/79 of Public Instruction. Commissioner Friedman also requested that consideration be given to joint use with School Brd. of the open space areas of Fienberg and N. Beach Elementary schools, in conjunction with respective Washing- ton Ave. Revitalization and Arthur Godfrey Rd. plans. City Mgr. advised these are matters presently being explored with School Brd., and ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD 1st reading ordinance changing name of 41st Street to ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD 2-1-56 5 38 44 3rd reading ordinance renaming 41st Street Arthur Godfrey Road, Ord. #1201 2-15-56 38 66 John Poulos to meet with Arthur Godfrey Road Association regarding beautification of street 5-2-56 38 187 1. Book Page ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD 2 Meeting Date Mayor Hall requested Ci ty Mgr. arrange meeting with A. Godfrey Rd. Merchants Assoc. to discuss removal of all parking on A. Godfrey Rd. and report back. 1/23/74 Memo #6962, public hearing called for 8/2/78 6/28/78 at 2:30 p.m., to consider placing on 10/5/78 ballot the question of issuance of $2.5 million general obligation bond issue to finance re- constructio: of following area: Arthur Godfrey Road from Biscayne Bay to Atlantic Ocean; Indian Creek Dr. from 39th St. to 44th St.; Collins Ave. from 44th St. to 46th St. (See Bonds, Elections) ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD (continued) Bond Question No. 1 approved - issuance of $2.5 million bond issue for purpose of improving and reconstructing Arthur Godfrey Rd. and immediate vicinity. Memo #7142, request for appropriation for Revitalization of Arthur Godfrey Road from Biscayne Bay to the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Creek Drive from 39th to 44th Sts. and Collins Ave., from 44th to 46th Sts. Approved ap- propriation of $100,000.00 from Contingency in the 1978-1979 budget. Memo #7181, consultant selection - revitaliza- tion of Arthur Godfrey Road, deferred to ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD Memo #7252, request for Commission approval for erection of a sign at 820 - 41st St. Mr. Norman Ciment, representing 820 Associates, appeared and requested permission to place a non -conforming sign on wall of building. He also submitted photographs of various signs presently in area, which he alleged were in violation of sign ord. City Mgr. advised he had received no charges of illegal signs in area and would instruct his staff to review and issue citations if necessary. A motion to defer to Dec. 20, 1978 to give Administration an opportunity to review existing signs on 41st St., died for lack of a second. Permit issuance authorized, providing'tlat, 1 size 4 Date 10/1$778 10/18/78 11/1/78 6 Date 12/6/78