City's 50th Anniversary_November 1964 to March 1966Ci's cow nive s, kr, CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY gook $25,000 appropriation from Publicity Fuids in connection with special events program for City's 50th Anniversary celebration in 1965, with understanding that no contracts are to be entered into without consent of Council. 6-17-64 47 96 Contracts for 50th Anniversary material, jackets and tags, awarded. 8-5-64 47 157 Bill Glick requests approval from Council for collateral material for use during 50th Anniversary. Expenditures of $6,215.00 for misc. items; $25D. for Latin American Festival and $500. for Large 50th Anniversary display material approved. Action f 1. Page CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY Mr..William B. MacDonald named Lnairman of 50th Anniversary Celebration. 11-4-64 47 301 Miller, Bacon, Avrutis & Simons propose 50th Anniversary Souvenir journal without cost to City - book to sell for $1.00; agency will give City 5,000 copies at no cost, plus profits from sales of journal which will be turned over to Bill Glick for further promotion of 50th Anniversary. City Atty to prepare necessary resolution and formal contract. 11-18-64 47 344 3, CITY"S 50TH ANNIVERSARY Book Page (cont.) deferred on $5,000 item for 50th Anniversary parade. 2. Book Page 10-21-64 47 285 City Mgr. to set up meeting to select over-all chairman for 50th Anniversary celebration. 10-21-64 47 286 A. L. Perper's proposed project for celebration of 50th Anniversary of City referred to Special Events Director. 11-4-64 47 292 Communication from Bill Glick re. bleacher seats for Anniversary parade. No objections to proposal by Council. 11-4-64 47 300 CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY 5. Book Page Council authorizes creation of $1,000. Miscellaneous Fund (all proceeds from sale of various 50th Anniversary items to go into this fund) 2-17-65 48 368 Use of Convention Hall without charge for Community Appreciation Luncheon sponsored by M.B. C of C, celebrating 50th Anniversary, on March 23, 1965, approved. 3-17-65 48 404 Miller, Bacon, Avrutis & Simons, Inc. advertising agency for city, advises all work on 50th Anniversary commemorative book had come to halt because o3- lack 5of orde4rs. 418 CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY 4. Book Page Res. ##11340 adopted approving conditions for preparation of 50th Anniversary Journal by Miller, Bacon, Avrutis and Simons, Inc. Inclusion of letter from the Mayor in material to be sent to a list of prospective subscribers to the journal approved. 12-2-64 47 384 Res. #11380 adopted authorizing agreement with Standard Brands, Inc. for creating and maintaining floral anniversary cake in front of Convention Hall. 2-17-65 48 367 CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY Book Page Res. #11464 expressing appreciation to WCKT-TV for televising 50th Anniversary 4-7-65 48 524 Parade City Clerk to send letter to Dante Fascell thanking him for making City's Anniversary celebration a matter of public record. 4-7-65 48 Expenditure of $500. authorized for Employees 50th Anniversary Barbecue 2-21-65 49 3,612_.0 SIDecLal �v shirq Tournament roDriation authorized from 'its Budget for 50th Anniversary 524 39 89 7. CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY 6. Book Page Request from Bill Glick, Special Events Dir., on behalf of Sports Committee, for permission to hold International Soccer Tournament in Flamingo Park during week of April 11-18,1965, approved. City Mgr. authorized to spend not more than $600. in this connection. 3-24-65 48 413 Communication from Miller, Bacon, Avrutis & Simons, Inc. advising all work on 50th Anniversary commemorative book halted because of lack of orders. 3-24-65 48 4.18 CITZ' S 50th ANNIVERSARY Book Page Res.#11796 commending Standard Brands,Inc. for donation of Mammoth birthday cake in front of Convention Hall. 3-16-66 50 209