Ambulance Service_January 1949 to May 1953AMBULANCE SERVICE Book Melvin Richard claims that service is inadequate 1/5/49 27 Council agrees to meet soon to discuss matter 1/5/49 27 City Manager advises of provision in 1949 budget for two ambulances 1 Ambulance -Patrol Car to be purchased AMBULANCE SERVICE 8/5/x+9 28 1-'-50 29 1. AMBULANCE SERVICE Page Book Report of City Mgr. relative to emergency ambulance system. City Atty to prepare ordinance based on City Mgr's recommendations 1-28-53 33 Communication from Harry Plissner with reference to cost of operating proposed emergency ambulance service - suggesting that committee be appointed to study his proposal that tax be levied for removal of garbage from commercial establishments. Referred to City Mgr. for study and report. 2-4-53 33 AMBULANCE SERVICE Letter from City Manager re. Ambulance Plan. Council approves City Mgr's plan. Objection raised. Discussion re. insurance; referendum; and cost. Proposed resolution providing for ambulance service fails to receive second. Ordinance to be prepared ratifying funeral home contract and City Mgr's letter setting forth general plan for emergency ambulance service. Res. #8302 adopted authorizing execution of contract with Funeral Homes for ambulance service. 3-20-53 34 116 291 $5.00 to be paid for ambulance calls 2. Book Page 1-4-50 29 125 Petition filed requesting Council 291 to provide City ambulance service. Committee of Councilman Frank and City Mgr. Renshaw appointed to study matter and make recommendations. 11-19-52 33 380 Communication from Free Sons of Israel, favoring city -subsidized ambulance service. Harry Plissner 125 asks Council to take aaction on his request for sop Put uZcchoserelect or Tie 3e 33 q iuyty Election_ 4- 1- 33 5 3. Page 483 1480 AMBULANCE SERVICE 4. Book Page Communication from M.B.Junior Chamber of Commerce advising they are in favor of having registered physician accompany ambulances on emergency calls 2-4-53 33 504 City Mgr. makes preliminary report on emergency ambulance matter. 3-11-53 34 58 Mr. Renshaw reports on emergency ambulance system; explains effect of agreements. Mr. Plissner asked about his petition. Price discussed. Matter tabled for short time. City Atty 504 advises as to preparation of ordinance 3-18-53 34 105 5. AMBULANCE SERVICE Book Page AMBULANCE SERVICE 7. Book Page Breakdown of $14,423.36 item for operation of emergency ambulance service, included in special appropriation of $23,871.22 to close books, requested 12-2-53 35 213 Analysis submitted of $14,423.36 expended for emergency ambulance service from Apr. 10, thru Sept., 1953 12-16-53 35 244 City Mgr. to negotiate with funeral homes for renewal of contracts for ambulance service 3-3-54 35 367 6. Book Page City Clerk's certificate re. ambulance petition filed. Resolution asked for in petition to be placed on ballot June 2nd. 4-15-53 34 172 No action on Harry Plissner's proposal regarding operation of an 'emergency" ambulance system. Mr. Plissner's communication referred to City Mgr. for investi- gation and report 5-13-53 34 236 AMBULANCE SERVICE 8 Book Page Res. #8695 authorizing agreement with 6 companies for ambulance service for one year, commencing April 11, 1954 4-7-54 35 411 Res. #9055 authorizing execution of agreements with nine funeral home operators for ambulance service, one year, commencing April 10, 1955. 5-4-55 37 136 1st reading ordinan disinfecting ambulances 12-21-55 37 505 3rd reading ordinance re. disinfecting 14 ambulances, Ord.#1193 1-4-56 38