Ambulance Service_April 1956 to November 1957AMBULANCE SERVICE 9
Book Page
City Mgr. authorized to proceed with
plans to advertise for bids for 4emergency
-56 y 148
ambulance service
Discussion held re. bids taken for
emergency ambulance service. Mr. Lipp's
report on bids received. Mr. Lipp
outlines alternate plan to the two
bidders. Action deferred at request of
Mr. Lipp. 4-23-56 38
Mr. Lipp reports on conference with
two ambulance service bidders. Mt. Sinai
Hospital advises they cannot furnish space
inside hospital. Mr. Lipp analyzes two
Proposals. Mr. LIPP authorizecl6to6purcbase 177
new emergency am lances
tAiv 71/4.1-' Book
Res. #9279 authorizing execution of
agreement with Hellman's Funeral Chapels
for 24 -hr a day ambulance service
within Miami Beach 6-20-56 38 252
Hellman's request to increase rate to
520.00 for trips between Miami Beach
and Veterans and Doctors Hospitals
in Coral Gables granted 6-2o-56 38 252
170 1st reading ordinance amending Code
by adding thereto Sec. 35.96 regarding
private ambulance P ice in City of M.B.
effective Nov. 1, J.5b.
�� 6-20-56 38 252
1st reading ordinance providing for
license fee of $25.00 for each ambulance
operated in M.B., effective Nov. 1, 1956
(amendment to Sec. 17.16 of Code)
Hellman's 6-20-56 38 255
License fees for fiscal year
1956-57 to be waived inasmuch as above
ordinance was not in effect when
contract was signed 6-20-56 38 255
3rd reading ordinance regulating
operation of private ambulances Ortri=7-No.. 1222 7-5-56
3rd reading ordinance providing
license fee for ambulances -Ordinance
No. 1223 7-5-56
38 277
38 277
Book Page
does not expire until May 8th -
and not necessary to start advertising
at this time. Council defers action
until Council has opportunity to
discuss matter with Mr. Lipp. 129
2-20-57 39
Edward Newman again: asks Council to
call for public bids for emergency
ambulance service. Discussion held.
Mr. Lipp to prepare specifications and
call for bids on two-year contract
basis 3-G0-57 39 169
Book Page
Schedule of rates for operion
of private ambulance by Riverside Ambulance
Service approved:
$10.00 local calls
15.00 to Miami
25.00 for transportation to hospital in M.B.
and then to hospital in Miami.
5.00 for each tank of oxygen consumed
during transportation to hospital.
6-19-57 39 400
Private ambulance rates of Riverside
Ambulance Service, Inc. approved:
$10.00 local
15.00 tc Miami
25.G0 to airport or railroad
11-27-57 40 146
Two Riverside Ambulance Service applications
for approval of rates referred to Mr.
Lipp for report 1-22-58 40 236
Riverside ambulance rates approved:
$10.00 M.B. area; $15.00 past 96th St.;
20.00 past 163rd St.
$25.00 any airport or train call; $15.00
to Miami; Waiting Time $5.0C per 1/2 hr.
Oxygen $5.00 per tank 2-5-58 40 263
Book Page
Book Page
Communication from Mr. Randall Christmas,
Miami Mayor, requesting Cit of Miami Beach
to join with them in expressing to Dade
County Legislators the need for Dade County
to assume responsibility of providing ambulance
services throughout Dade County, referred
to Mr. Lipp for investigation and recommend-
ation 1-2-57 39 50
3 Funeral Homes request Council to call
for bids for City's emergency ambulance
service. Edward T. Newman advises
complaints had been received as to
advises Hellman's
Hellman's ethics. Mr. Lipp
service has been excellent; that contract
Report from Mr. Lipp on bids received
for emergency ambulance service; recommends
award of contract to Hellman. Objection
raised by Eastern Ambulance. Edward
Newman submits affidavits re. employees
of Hellmaris and attacks funeral home
ethics. Council votes to award contract
to Hellman 4-17-57 39 306
Res. #9492 authorizing execution of
contract with Hellman Funeral Chapels
for emergency ambulance service for
two years commencing May 8, 1957
39 328
Book Page
Private ambulance rates of Walsh &
Wood Funeral Home approved: -
$10.00 in Miami Beach - this includes 1 hr.
2.50 for each 15 min. period in excess cf
15.00 to Miami area ( 1 hr.
20.00 to any airport or railroad station
in Greater Miami.
5.00 for each tank ofoxygen administered in
11-20-77 40 124
Book Page
Applications for renewal of ambulance
licenses approved:
Riverside Ambulance Service, Inc.
Walsh & Wood Funeral Home
Ambulance rates approved (same as last
year) 11-5-58 41 205
Ambulance service bids received. Report
on bids submitted by Mr. Lipp. Recommends
award be made to Dade -Miami Eastern
Ambulance Service, Inc. Discussion
held. Entire matter referred to City Mgr.
for study and recommendation.
5-6-59 42 55