Annual Leave_January 1959 to November 1969 (2)Ptâ–º ( Lea v ANNUAL LEAVE 1st reading ord.amending Code granting A.L. for employees. 1/21/59 Ord.#1335 adopted re A.L. to classified employees. 2/4/59 ANNUAL LEAVE 1 Book Page FOR ACTION PRIOR TO 1959 see CIVIL SERVICE ANNUAL LEAVE No action to be taken 41 312 Ord.1335 re. Police & 41 383 1st reading amendment to Ord.#1335; clarification of certain phases. 8/17/60 43 192 Ord.#1387 adopted, clarifying Ord.1335; 9/7/60 43 222 Action deferred on proposed amendment to Ord.1335 re. Police & Firemen. 4/3/63 45 396 ANNUAL LEAVE Ord. #1738 amending Ord. #1335. Amending A.L. AMWU ! L1EAVt Ord. passed amending Annual Leave Ord. for classified employees to return the limits of accumulation of annual & sick leave to what they were prior to adoption of revised ord. in 12/68. / f f .,,,a ,t,,.,./ 3/19/69 Ord. passed amending Annual Leave Ord. for unclassified empl oyees to return the limits of accumulation of annual & sick leave prior to adoptiop of r vised ord. in 12/68. 3/19/69 Ord. #1758 amending Ord. #1335. re. prop.amendment to Firemen. 4/17/63 45 403 1st reading ord. amending Ord.1335 re. payment of full salary to policemen & firemen as result of certain illnesses presumed to be service - connected & not charged to annual leave. 4/15/64 47 3 3rd reading of above ord.deferred. 5/6/64 47 46 1st reading ord.amending Ord.#1335 to adjust for bi-weekly pay. 11/18/64 47 346 2 Book Page 3-A aNNUAL LEAVE Date 12/4/68 BOOK Drd.#1539 amends Ord. #1335 to provide oveekly payroll. 3 Book Page for bi- 12/2/64 47 379 Action deferred on 3rd reading of amendment to annual leave ord. re.service-connected injuries. 12/16/64 47 404 1st & 2nd reading of ord.granting A.L. to unclassified employees 10/10/66 51 91 Ord. #1613 adopted ,granting A.L. to Unclassified employees 4 PAGE 10/19/66 51 120 ANNUAL LEAVE Ord.#1758 adopted,amending Ord.#1335, restoring provisions for accumulation of leave (inadvertently omitted). 4/2/69 54 54 276 Ord. #1759 adopted, amending Ord.1613, as above, for unclassified employees. 4/2/69 54 311 5 Book Page 54 276 4/2/69 ANNUAL LEAVE 6 ORD.I Meeting date 793, amending 1613, re pur- chasing service time.(unclassified) ORD.1794, amending 1335 (classified), 12-10-69 to purchase service time. 1st, 2nd reading amending ORD.1335 re annual and sick leave re probationary employee. ORD.1822, re Classified amendment,.re probationary periods. Sick leave for Daniel Cason approved for max. 10 days. 2-18-70 3-20-70 4-1-70 311 Sick days: Ord.1783 and 1784 adopted, effective 10-1-69. 9-29-69 --and sick leave,amending ords. de- ferred to 11-19-69. (re purchasing time) 11-5-69 Meeting date ANNUAL LEAVE 1st, 2nd readings amending Ord.1613 (unclassified)- use of excess leave for purchase of pension time. ....same for Ord.1335 (classified). ....deferred to 6-24. ....ORD. 1833 passed. (unclassified); ORD.1834 passed, classified. Joe Sumrall: authorized to borrow 20 days from future sick leave; to be sent letter of appreciation for services to City. 7 Meeting date 4-15-70 6-3-70 6-24-70 8-5-70