Annual Leave_September 1979ANNUAL LEAVE 17
(continued) Date
Annual leave Ord. for Classified Employees,
by retitling Ord. #1335, as amended, reassign-
ing various duties relating to service -connect-
ed injury benefits; providing for a method of
determining an employee's entitlement to
Worker's Compensation; revising the eligibility
requirements for service -connected injury pay
and providing for such pay to be named "Sup-
plemental Injury Pay", repealing all ordi-
nances in conflict and providing for an effec-
tive date. Hearing and second reading
scheduled for 9/19/79 at 2:00 p.m. (See Work-
men's compensation) 9/5/79
Memo #7704, hearing held and concluded, Ord. 9/19/79
#79-2173 adopted, amending Ord. #1613, as
amended, the same being the Annual Leave Ord.
for Unclassified Employees, by retitling Ord.
#1613, as amended; reassigning various duties
relating to service -connected injury benefits;
providing for a method of determing an em-
ployee's entitlement to Worker's Compensation;
revising the eligibility requirements for
service -connected injury pay and providing for
such pay to be named "Supplemental Injury Pay";
repealing all ordinances in conflict and pro-
viding for an effective date. (See Worker's
Memo #7704, hearing held and concluded, Ord. 9/1779
#79-2174 adopted, amending Ord. #1335, as
amended, the same being the Annual Leave Ord.
for Classified Employees, by retitling Ord.
#1335, as amended; reassigning various duties
relating to service -connected injury benefits;
providing for a method of determining an em-
ployee's entitlement to Worker's Compensation;
revising the eligibility requirements for
service -connected injury pay and providing for
such pay to be named "Supplemental Injury Pay";
repealing all ordinances in conflict and pro-
viding for an effective date. (See Worker's