Appraisals Authorized_November 1958 to January 1961(ial Y tk t 2Lv� APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED �5 Book Page Statement of S. Z. Bennett for negotiating purchase of Lot 12, Blk 57, Fisher's 1st Sub., $2,000 (appropriat_n from ucf) 2-18-59 41 Statement of S. Z. Bennett, $480.00, approved, services re. negotiations for purchase of Lot 10, Bik 16, Normandy Beach South for off-street parking. Appropriation from ucf. tatement of S.Z. Bennet 5-6-59 310.00 approved services re. acquisition of Lot 1, Bik 5, Sunset Lake Ext. Sub. for park. 5-6-59 42 51 27 Book Page APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 24 Book Page Statement of S. Z. Bennett, $150.00 for services in connection with negotiations for purchase s.25' of portion of Tract 10 NA, Oceanside Sec and Trouville Sec., Isle of Normandy, formerly known as Lots 1 and 2, Blk 10. approved. Appropriation from ucf. 11-5-58 41 188 Appraisal statements of Saul Z. Bennett approved for payment. Appropriations authorized from ucf and 1955 Storm Sewer Bond Funds to cover payment. 1-7-59 41 276 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Statement of S. Z. Bennett for services re. preparation and testimony, appearance in Court, on 6/29/59 - 392 Zoning suit, Parking Facilities, Inc. v. City $250.00, approved for payment 7-15-59 42 185 26 Book Page Statement of Saul Z. Bennett $2,690.00 approved. Appropriation from Parking Revenue Bond Fund authorized. 8-19-59 42 42 51 Statement of Saul Z. Bennett, $640.00 approved. Appropriation from ucf authorized. 8-19-59 42 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Statements of S. Z. Bennett for appraisals approved as follows: Appraisal - Lot 1, Blk 2, Fleetwood Sub. Lot 2, Blk 2, Fleetwood Sub. (Appropriation of $225. from UCF) Appraisal - Blks 3A & 3B, Espanola Villas First Addn. ..$200. Appraisal - Lot 1, Blk 37, Ocean Beach #3,$125. 125. APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Statements of S. Z. Bennett approved as follows: 100. For negotiations and acquisition of Lot 11, Blk 13, Alton Beach Realty Co. Sub., 1831 Bay Rd. -- $450. For negotiations and acquisition of Lot12, Blk 13, Alton Beach Realty Co. Sub., 1821 Bay Rd. -- $46o. (Appropriation of $910.00 authorized from ucf) 11-4-59 42 350 Lot 11, Blk 37, " " #3 $ 75. (Appropriation of $400. from UCF) 11-4-59 42 349 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 29 Book Page Statement of E. D. Keefer, real estate appraiser and consultant, for appraisals in connection with Collins Ave. widening, $3,250. approved. 12-16-59 42 402 Statement of S. Z. Bennett, $66o. for several appraisals of property, approved for payment. Appropriation from ucf. 1-6-60 42 425 Statement of S. Z. Bennett, $640.00 approved in connection with acquisition of Lot 13, Blk 48, Lincoln Sub. Appropriation from gun lus Revenues Fund ofp Metere.Parking System 5-18-60 43 84 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 2146 2146 28 Book Page APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Statement of S. Z. Bennett, total amount $1,100, approved. 7-20-60 30 Book Page 43 148 Statement of S. Z. Bennett, total $645.00 approved. Appropriation from ucf authorized. 12-7-60 43 356 Statement of S. Z. Bennett for services re. negotiations to purchase Lot 8, Blk 6, Beach Bay Sub., amt. $470.00 approved. Appropriation from ucf. 1-18-61 43 393 31 Statement of S. Z. Bennett, amt.$100.uu, Book Page in connection with acquisition of portion of Lot 1, Blk 2, Fleetwood Sub., approved. (Appropriation from ucf) 3-1-61 43 498 Statement of S. Z. Bennett approved Re. appraisal Lots 9,etc. Blk 3, Oceanside Sec.,Isle of Norm ., also Tract in Bik 10, total $310.00 (payment authorized from ucf) 4-12-61 44 55 Statement of S. Z. Bennett, $725.00 approved, re. negotiations to purchase Lot 13, Bik 49, Lincoln Sub. (appropriation from ucf) 5-3-61 44 67 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 32 Book Page Statements of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. $1,512.50 and $1,386.00 re. purchase of tract s.and e. of alley in Blk 10, Oceanside Sec., and Lots 9,9A,9B and 10A, Blk 3, Oceanside Sec. approved. (Appropriation from ucf.) 6-8-61 44 92 Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. $1,850.00 approved, services re appraisal Blocks 4, 13, 6 and 11 Altos del Mar #1, Co1.1 2_r_E Ave. betw. 79th and 80th Streets, and 77th and 78th Streets. (Appropriation $1,850 authorized from ucf) 1-17-62 44 356