Appraisals Authorized_June 1965 to October 1966APPRAISALS AUTHORIZ1rD
Book Page4
Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
for valuation of properties re. bond issue
re.negotiations, etc. $1,200.00
6-16-65 49 124
Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
6-23-65 49 145
$150. approved
Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
$400.00 for appraisal of rental value
of air rights Lincoln Lane Parking Area
approved. 10-7-65 49
Book Page
$650.00 statement Of S. Z. Bennett
Appraisal Co. for 5 letters of opinion
of value (requested by Parking Committee)
approved for payment. Appropriation
authorized from UCF 2=3-65 48 350
Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal for
Certificates of Appraisal (Lots 23,24,25,
1st Ocean Front Sub.) $250. and Letter of
Opinion of Value, Blks 19 & 20, ADM#1,$600.
approved for payment. 3-3-65 48 394
325 gtatement,of J. N. Lummus, Jr. $300.00
for appraisal report on Donner property
approved for payment. 5-19-65 49 89
Book Page
Statements of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal
Co. approved - total of $450.00.
Appropriation from UCF. 1-5-66 50 18
Statement of Southeastern Appraisal Co.
re. services in connection with
purchase of Donner Property - $1,350.00
approved. 1-5-66 50
Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
Book Page
Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
$720.00 in connection with negotiations
on Lot 2, Blk 6, 41st St. Business Sub.
approved. Copy of scale used by
professional appraisers requested.
12-15-65 49 478
Statement of S. Z. Bennett $1,500 for
18 preparation etc. for trial re. Lots 23,
24, 25, 1st Ocean Front Sub. (Donner
property) approved. 12-15-65
re. acquisition of right-of-way for widening
Collins Ave. $7,260.00 approved.
3-2-66 50 136
'City Mgr. authorized to employ
appraisers in connection with acquisition
of property on ocean between 5th & 6th Sts.
and 81st to 87th Sts. 5-4-66 50 300
Book Pi&e
Statement of Wm. Bates Cole for services,
appraisal of Fisher Island Property
$5,000 approved for payment.
5-18-66 50 303
Statement of John E. Milloway for services,
appraisal of Fisher Island Property,
$5,000 approved for payment.
5-18-66 50 303
49 479
City Mgr. authorized to employ W. Bates
Cole and E. D. Keefer, appraisers, re.
acquisition of property, 81st - 87th
Sts. & Collins Ave.; 5th - 6th Sts.
6-22-66 50 387
(cont' d)
as required by Government.
9-21-66 51
Book Page
Statement of S.Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
approved in amount of $7,975 for
services in connection with acquisition
of Shoremede and Dayton properties,
with appropriation authorized from
Parking Revenue Bond funds.
10-10-66 51
S.Z. Bennett authorized to make a formal
appraisal of Shoremede property and to
negotiate acquisition. 7-28-66 50 439
City Mgr. authorized to employ
appraisers in connection with
appraisals necessary re. Shoremede
property and property on west side
of Collins Ave. opposite Shoremede.
Payment to S.Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
33 approved in amount of $2,100 for
services in connection with
Shoremede Hotel property, appropriation
from Parking Revenue Bond Funds.
10-19-66 51 129
Book Page
Payment to S.Z. Bennett Appraisal Co.
approved in amount of $3,650 for services
96 in connection with Collins Ave. widening
projects. - Final report re. Collins Ave.
widening filed with records of this
meeting. 11-9-66
51 173