Architects_September 1970 to September 1972ARCHITECTS Melvin Grossman letter complaining local architects not invited to make presentations re Conv. Hall. Jules Channing appearance: requested public hearing to review Gruen report, plan for area's development, as difference of opinion re financing. CC DENIED hearing request. Channing complained was unable to obtain info., minutes, re pre- sentations; CC moved they be made avail- able. 58 Meeting date 9-2-70 12-16-70 ARCHITECTS 59 Meeting Date Council approved Memo 3601 recommending Greenleaf and Telesca, with Mr. Charles Chaney as Marine consultantbe negotiated with and engaged for the South Shore Marina design recommendation. Council approved recommendation of Administra- tion as set forth in Memo 3602 to negotiate with and engage as first choice, Mr. Rocco Pace, to design Field House at Muss Park Res. 13709 adopted, ratifying agreement for employment of Rocco W. Pace, architect for design of Pre-school Recreation Facility at Muss Park 8/2/72 8/2/72 8/16/72 ARCHITECTS Council approved City Mgr.'s recommendations as to selection, hiring of architects, engineers and planners, subject to fee negotiation and contract approval by Council, for following projects: Municipal Building, Va. Key Transmission Line and Sewage Col. System, Public Works facilities relocation study, Youth Center site study and design, Sailport design, Landscape park planner architects , (No. Shore Park, Nor. Isle Bridge, Julia Tuttle Causeway, Stillwater Park. 60 Meeting Date 9/6/72 ARCHITECTS 61 Meeting Date Consideration of proposed contracts with architects, engineers and landscape archi- tects for NINE BOND FINANCED PROJECTS, as approved by Council at 9/6/72 meeting, deferred. 9/20/72 Execution of contracts for Capital Bond projects authorized with Mr. Wm. O'Leary, Stillwater Park Improvement., with Mr. Ted Baker, landscaping Julia Tuttle Causeway, East Terminus; with Mr. Herbert M. Schwartz, Normandy Isle Sailport Memo 3794, with Ferendino/Grafton/Spillis/Candela, Phase 1, preliminary feasibility study, Youth Center; with Stresau, Smith & Steward, Phase 1, North Shore Open Space Development; with H.J.Ross & SUA, INC. Phase 1 preliminary