Assessments_April 1955 to February 1972ASS 6 e� S ASSESSMENTS Book Page Recommendations of City Engineer Lipp for methods of making adjustments in assessment rolls for paving, sidewalk and whiteway work to be done as a part of the coming bond issue to be followed 4-6-55 37 92 Recommendations of City Mgr. for methods of making adjustments in assessment rolls for paving and sidewalk work to be done as part of forthcoming bond issue 2/25/59 41 17 ASSESSMENTS 7. Book Page Request for return of interest paid by Temple Menorah, 620 - 75th St. on improvement assessments referred to City Mgr. 9-6-61 44 189 S. Z. Bennett's memo to City Mgr. read re. review of assessment manual. City Mgr. suggests Council approve authenticity of manual so that tax assessor can pursue his course. Action deferred. 3-4-64 46 Discussion re. approval in principle of assessment manual to be used as new measuring device in evaluating structures. City Mgr. advises this is in accordance with recent directions of Council to devise better 464 (cont ASSESSMENTS Book Page Recommendations of City Mgr. for methods of making adjustments in assessments on assessable projects to be included in the 1965 bond issue. 4-21-65 49 3 Res. #12027 requesting modification of Florida statute (millage reduction in proportion to increase in assessments) 1-11=67 51 325 Tax Assessor of Metro requested to conduct investigation of assessments of Miami Beach property. 7-19-67 52 129 ASSESSMENTS 8. Book Page (cont.) method of arriving at assessments than last year. Action deferred. 3-18-64 46 468 Discussion of assessment manual. Letter from Tax Assessor read re. testing of manual. Motion to adopt manual principles fails. Motion made to have Tax Assessor compute building valuations onsquare foot basis. City Mgr. advises Council it has no right to tell Tax Assessor how to arrive at assessments; cites Charter provisions. Ben Shepard gives opinion. Tax Assessor advises he will Proceed with use o square foot method as asis of assessment of valuation lfor 46 491 Striini-11 nn1V. ASSESSMENTS 10 BOOK PAGE Resolution #12610 adopted formally requesting Metro for exemption from taxes from dates of acquisition, properties set forth in schedule attached to resolution, for 1968. 1-15-69 54 138 Reference to communication received from City Attorney re. Metro action taken without notifying City of Miami Beach in reducing assessment by more than 50% and to detrimental effect on City taxes; as there are 25 more suits of this nature it could result in higher millage for taxpayers of City. 1-15-69 54 139 ASSESSMENTS 11 Resolution re. adjustment of assessment Meeting Date liens Park View Island deferred to 2/16/72 not reached. 2/2/72 RES. 13546 adopted reducing assessment re: Park View Island (sidewalk improvement). Also discharging surety bond posted by Jos. & Sarah Gordon per Res. 10960. 2/16/72 Status rept. on property assessments on MB deferred to 9/4/74. 8/21/74 Appearance by Mr. Clyde M. Banks, Pres. of Miami Board of Realtors, to discuss 1974 Real Estate Assessments and Millage Rates (set by Council 8/7/74). Presentation made 9/4/74 ASSESSMENTS by representatives of Coalition group and Admin. requested to continue cooperating with group. Status report on property assessments on M.B. (requested by Council 7/17/74 & de- ferred brom 8/21/74). Not reached, deferred to 9/11/74. Status report on property assessments on 9/11/74 M.B. (requested by Council 7/17/74)pre- sented & discussion held. 1- City Atty stated property assessments are determined solely by Co. Tax Assessor 2- how to file objection 12 Meeting Date 9/4/74 9/4/74 ASSESSMENTS 3- City has no power as a City to intercede 4- Councilman Dr. Wikler asked for a written opinion to this effect. 13 Meeting Date Mr. Harry Plissner appeared and read a pre- pared statement concerning the adverse effect rent control had on the City's present real estate assessments, and suggested that City take action in pursuing implementation of recommen- dations contained in a recent Grand Jury report to the effect that all Dade Co. properties be reassessed immediately. City Mgr. and City Atty. directed to meet with Mr. Plissner for further review. 9/11/74 11/15/78