Audit_July 1972 to April 1977AUDIT 58..
Meeting Date
Sub ject of "in-depth" audit not reached
and to be scheduled on July 19 agenda.
"In Depth" Audit discussion held re; firms
to be considered by Council and method to
be follows. Council deferred action until
8/2 or next Council meeting, when all members
would be present.
Councilman Greene said he would like a recomm-
endation from City Mgr. as to 1st firm to be
interviewed by Council.
Re: Systems & Procedures Audit Council
recommended as 1st choice, Peat Marwick & Mitchell
and in lieu of them, Touche, Ross, Bailey &
Smart and directed City Mgr, with any council member
Meeting Date
Re: Selection of firm to perform General Audit
for years 1972-1974, City Mgr. directed to
give notice to CPA's in Dade County that City
is seeking a firm to audit accounts & records for a
two year period starting Oct. 1, 1972 and ending
Sept. 30, 1974, through placement of an adver-
tisement in newspapers.
General audit of City for 2 yr.(Oct.1'72 to
Sept. 30, '74) Council Memo 3846 presented,
reflecting results of notice published in
local papers re: employment of a Dade Co.
firm of CPA's to perform audit, and Council
voted firm of Singer,Sobel and Hunter be
employed for 2 yr. period. City Mgr. to nego-
tiate fee and report on 2/7/73.
Meeting Date
,eceipt of report from Peat,Marwick,Mitchell
Co. of thier official audit of systems and
procedures of City administration and con=
sideration deferred to next meeting.
Consideration of report by Peat,
& Co. re: systems and procedures
tration accepted. To be subject
workshop session.
Marwick, Mitchell
of City Adminis-
of future
Selection of firm to perform general audit 12/18/74
of the City's accounts and records. Memo
Selection of firm to perform General Audit 12/18/74
of the City's Accounts and Records. Memo
(cont' d)
fiscal years beginning Oct. 1, 1974 and ending
Sept. 30, 1976, an an annual fee not to exceed
$12,000.00. (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS])
Councilman Dr. Haber referred to allegations 1/5/77
that have appeared in the press concerning
discrepancies in the manner in which City funds
are handled, and requested the Administration
to have an independent audit made by a reputa-
ble CPA firm in order to dispel any doubts as
to such matters.
Councilman Dr. Haber renewed request made at 1/19/77
1/5/77 meeting that an independent audit be
made of City funds, in view of recent
records and Metered Parking System
tand Date
records (deferred from 3/2/77). Deferred
April 6, 1977 for a full Council. 3/16/77
Memo #6276, audit contract with Coopers & 4/6/77
Lybrand for special audit of City's financial
transactions. Res. #77-15312 adopted, author-
izing execution of contract with Coopers and
Lybrand for Phase I of special audit, at a
fee of $2,500. (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS])
Independent audits of General City accounts and 4/6/77
records and Metered Parking System accounts
and records (deferred from 3/t6/77). Admini-
stration authorized to negotiate with
hh Meeting Day
wi tni%Ansa tnesectpiarms'toodet�armiinenfeeoanddCity
Mgr. to return full report to Council. 8/2/72
Status of negotiations re: comprehensive
systems and procedures audit not reached.
To be placed on Sept. 6,'72 agenda. 8/16/72
Retainage of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
for Analysis of Systems and Operational
procedures deferred to 9/20/72.
Council authorized retaining Peat,Marwick,
Mitchell & Co. for analysis of systems and
operational procedures - $95,000,. RES. 13753A
adopted authorizing contract execution.
2 yr. pd. 10/1/72 - 9/30/74 RES. 73-13902
adopted for Singer, Sobel & Hunter,CPA's,
at annual fee not over $12,000.00.
Meeting Date
Finance Director to give notice to auditing
firms licensed in Miami Beach and matter to
be placed on future agenda for award of con-
Memo #4988, award of contracts: General Audit
of the City's Accounts & Records; Annual Audit
of Metered Parking System; Engineering Report
for Metered Parking System. Deferred to
Feb. 19. 1975.
Memo #5008, award of contract for General
Audit of the City's account and records,
(deferred from 2/5/75). Res. #75-14626
adopted, authorizing execution of agreement
with Singer, Sobel & Hunter, for the two
allegations concerning discrepancies which have
appeared in the press. City Mgr. presented list
of local CPA firms for Council's consideration,
and per his recommendation, Council authorized
the Administration to negotiate a fee with
Coopers and Lybrand, and to submit a report.
Independent audits of General City Accounts
and Records and Metered Parking System Accounts
and Records. Deferred to 3/2/77, for a full
Mr. Milton Gordon to discuss "Institution of
the Outside Independent Audit of irregulari-
ties in the Accounting Dept." To be scheduled
(continued) Date
for March 16, 1977. 3/2/77
Independent audits of General City accounts 3/2/77
and records and Metered Parking System ac-
counts and records, (deferred from 2/16/77).
Not reached. Deferred to 3/16/77.
Appearance of Mr. Milton Gordon to discuss 3/16/77
"institution of outside independent audit of
irregularities in the Accounting Division."
(Set by Council 3/2/77). Not present when
called. Removed from agenda.
Independent Audits of General City accounts and 3/16/77