Audit_April 1977 to January 1979AUDIT 67 Date (continued) Al rantGGranAut.&,Co. for a fee to performth4/6/77 Memo #6444, Audit proposal for General City 8/3/77 accounts. Not reached. Deferred to 8/17/77. Memo #6445, Audit proposal for Metered Parking 8/3/77 System accounts. Not reached. Deferred to 8/17/77. Memo #6444, audit proposal for General City 8/17/77 accounts (deferred from 8/3/77). Not reached. le-at-E251-12-911-/-11- AUDIT eferredto9/7/77 AUDIT Memo #6445, audit proposal for Metered Park- ing System accounts (deferred from 8/3/77). Not reached. Deferred to 9/7/77. 68 Date 8/17/77 of Alexander grant & Co Memo #6444, audit proposal/or GeneraCity 07/77 accounts (deferred from 8/17/77). Res. #77-15430 adopted, authorizing execution of letter proposal, for the fiscal years 1976-77 and 1977-78 at a fee of $23,750 for each year. (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) Memo #6445, audit proposal for Metered Park- 9/7/77 ing System Accounts (deferred from 8/17/77). Res. #77-15431 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Coopers and Lybrand to per- form audit for year ended 12/31/76 & 77, at an AUDIT 69 (continued)(( Date estimated fep not to exceed $05.8 . (See 9/7777) 9/ Meterec Parking system, AUDI Memo #6471, audit contract for Retirement System 9/7/77 for General Employees and Elected Officials, (de- ferred from 8/17/77). Res. #77-15432 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Rachlin & Cohen to perform audit of the System, for 1 yr. ended 12/31/77, at a fee of $6,000.(See Pension Brd. & System) (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) Memo #6830, increase in audit fees of Alexander 4/19/78 Grant & Co., for general audit of City accounts for FY 1976/77. Mr. Barry Goldstein, partner in firm appeared. Matter was referred back tp Administration to resolve. Commistion indicated its dissatisfaction with fee increase requested. AUDIT Memo #7211, status of City's external auditors. Administration authorized to seek professional guidance as requested and report to Commission regarding action taken. Memo #7304, external auditors fees report. Approved authorization to amend audit fees as follows: 1) Alexander Grant & Co. Fiscal Year 1977/1978, from $23,750 to $35,000; 2) Coopers Lybrand, Calendar Year 1976, from $5,800 to $7,828; 3) Coopers Lybrand, Calendar Year 1977, from $5,800 to $10,000. (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) 70 Date 11/78 1/17/79 AUDIT 71 Date Memo #7673, Res. #79-16001 adopted,authorizing 9/5/79 execution of contract with Alexander Grant and Co. for the General City Audit for Fiscal Year 1978/79 and Fiscal Year 1979/80, at a fee of $35,000.00 for Fiscal Year 1978/79 and $40,000.00 for Fiscal Year 1979/80. (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) Memo #7674, Res. #79-16002 adopted, authorizing 9/5/79 execution of contract with Coopers and Lybrand to perform audit of Metered Parking System for Calenda Year 1978, fee of $10,700.00.(See Parking System) (see AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) Memo #7735, Administration's recommendation 9/19/79 approved. Res. #79-16025 adopted, author- izing execution of agreement to retain