Advisory Board-Municipal Auditorium_April to May 1950AUDITORIUM AND CONVENTION HALL ADVISORY BOARD KUV1bUttX. t3UKAU * AuUITUR1UM kWVlounx nuhttL - muBluIYAL AUILTUI UUM Book David Isen, John T. Mahoney, Alfred J. McCosker, Charles Oppenheim, Dr. Harold Rand appointed - in connection w a1 nsooperation f auditorium outii i� )of of 4-5-50 29 Alfred J. McOosker resigns from Board 5-3-50 29 Charles L. Clements appointed to replace McCosker 5-3-50 29 ADVISORY BOARD - AUDITORIUM Recommendations of Board re. Chris Dundee submitted Book 9-19-51 32 Report of Board re. interviews with applicants for boxing and wrestling rights in Auditorium and recommending new contract to Chris Dundee. No action. 10-11-51 Advisory Board members elected: John T. Mahoney, Charles Oppenheim, Dr. Harold Rand, Ben Danbaum and Mrs. Carl Weinkle 10-17-51 Page 274 333 333 3. Page 69 Recommendations of Board re. Manager submitted 6/7/50 Claude D. Ritter Jr. appointed Auditorium Manager 6/7/50 Miami Central Labor Union urges Council to appoint Albert H. Berlin to represent organized labor on Advisory Board. Action deferred. 9-5-51 32 42 2 Book Page 29 385 29 335 ADVISORY BOARD - AUDITORIUM 4. Nominations re. additional members to Auditorium Advisory Board tabled 10-17-51 32 118 Resolution of M.B. Residential Owners Ass'n asking Council to select member of Assn to serve 32 104 on Advisory Board filed. 11-21-51 Board recommends that $461.16, representing Auditorium's share of admissions collected by Home Show be returned to Miami Beach 32 117 Realtors Exhibits, Inc. 3-20-53 ADVISORY BOARD - AUDITORIUM 5. Book Page City Atty to advise Council re. 1n Auditorium Advisory Board - how many members it has; terms for which members are appointed, and action necessary to increase membership to 7. 2-17-54 35 Councilman Turk suggests thought be given relative to whether or not operation of Lummus Park Center ought to be incorporated within Board's jurisdiction 2-17-54 35 340 340 ADVISORY BOARD - AUDITORIUM Board recommends that refund of Auditorium rental charges be made to Miami Daily News for Golden Gloves tournament which was not held; and to M.B. Board of Realtors for 1951 home show which was cancelled. Refund dtto or Board of Realtors app denied. Council advises no consideration to be given to refund of monies paid nor crediting monies for future dates 3-17-54 35 7. Book Page 32 202 34 123 ADVISORY BOARD - AUDITORIUM 6. Book Page Membership of Board increased from 5 to 7, term of office 1 year. Present members reappointed for one year:- Mrs. Carl Weinkle Dr. Harold Rand John T. Mahoney Charles Oppenheim Ben Danbaum 2 additional members elected: Paul M. Bruun Ben Zion Ginsburg 3-3-54 35 367 ADVISORY BOARD - AUDITORIUM Mr. Renshaw refers to conference with Auditorium Advisory Board at which it was agreed that no variety shows, except for charity, would be permitted in Auditorium, and that it would not be leased on New Year's Eve. Book Page 2-2-55 Ben Danbaum resigns from Auditorium Advisory Board 3-2-55 Councilman Spaet appoints Mrs. Louis 383 Glasser to Auditorium Advisory Board to fill unexpired term of Ben Danbaum. Tabled. 3-9-55 36 467 36 430 36 454