Lummus Park-Recreation Center_February 1952 to February 1954torn rnLs '' 1C P_.eirec% -�� Cin fret-- LUMMUS et. LUMMUS PARK -RECREATION CENTER 2. Book Page Report of Committee re. construction of community center in Lummus Park. Leonard Glasser to prepare plans for community center according to preliminary sketch submitted. 2-6-52 32 Contract awarded to Leonard Glasser, architect, for preparation of plans and specifications for proposed Lummus Park auditorium and for supervision of work 3-5-52 32 LUMMUS PARK -RECREATION CENTER LUMMUS PARK -RECREATION CENTER Book Page Committee (Councilmen Turk and Frank) submits report relative to feasibility and need of civic recreational center to be located below 15th St. Asst City Mgr. to get estimate of the cost and report back to Council. 12-19-51 32 252 4 architects to be selected to draw preliminary plans for community center building somewhere in Lummus Park 1-2-52 32 277 1. LUMMUS PARK -RECREATION 'ENTER Res. #7961 authorizing execution of agreement with Architect Leonard Glasser for preparation of plans and specifications for proposed recreation center for 337 south end of city 3-26-52 32 441 Res. #7986 amending original agreement with Leonard Glasser, architect,employed in connection with public auditorium to be erected in South Beach area 4-16-52 32 496 3. Book Page 413 4. Book Page Communication filed from Washington Ave. Ass'n, Inc. expressing approval of Lummus Park area as site for convention hall or recreation center 5-7-52 33 Council asked to designate site for proposed south shore recreation center. Petition filed. Matter taken under advisement until a later meeting 6-4-52 33 LUMMUS PARK RECREATIONAL CENTER Additional expenditure of $825.00 approved for millwork furnishing and mirrors in ticket offices and dressing rooms at Lummus Park Recreation Center 12-2-53 35 219 Bids for furnishing curtains and drapes for Lummus Park Rec. Center rejected and readvertisement authorized. (Error in specifications - did not provide for fireproofing drape and curtain fabrics) 12-16-53 35 247 34 86 LUMMUS PARK -RECREATION CENTER City Mgr. authorized to instruct architect to start work on plans for recreation center atlOth St in Lummus Park 6-18-52 33 112 Preliminary sketches of proposed South Shore recreation center and auditorium submitted by Leonard Glasser, architect; referred to City Mgr. and .City Engineer for further study 7-23-52 33 167 Discussion re. location of proposed 10th St. Community Center 8-20-52 33 218 5. Book Page 9. LUMMUS PARK RECREATIONAL CENTER 10. Book Page Book Page LUMMUS PARK RECREATIONAL CENTER 11 Book Page Request that name of Lummus Park Recreational Center be changed to "Ocean Front Auditorium taken under advisement. Request re. expansion of program referred to City Mgr. 3-3-54 35 358 Name of Lummus Park Recreational Center changed to "Olean Front Auditorium" 3-17-54 35 377 Installation of acoustical tile in Servicemen's Lounge and Conference Room authorized. Contract awarded to Lotspeich Flooring Co., $365.70 1-20-54 35 303 Councilman Turk suggests thought be given relative to whether or not operation of Lummus Park Center ought to be incorporated within Board's jurisdiction 2-17-54 35 34o