Automobile Driver Testing Station_April to May 1966AUTOMOBILE DRIVER TESTING STATION
Book Page
Discussion re. possible establishment of
branch driver testing station of Fla.
Highway Patrol in Miami Beach. Council
informed of tentative agreement whereby
City will make available suitable quarters
in city -owned bldg. in 79 -80th St. Park
for testing station until State can provide
funds to construct permanent quarters.
Res. #11819 adopted commending those
responsible for establishment of station.
$2,000 appropriation approved from ucf
for necessary refurbishing. 4-20-66 50 245
Book Page
Protestof Mr. Sunshine Lebow, owner
of property at 7845 Atlantic Way for
use of 79th St. & Collins Ave. property
as driver testing station for Fla.
Highway Patrol, and reply from Fla.
Highway Patrol read, and filed.
5-4-66 50 300