Automobile Official_October 1964 to April 1978AUTOMOBILE -OFFICIAL Res. *11306 authorizing execution of agreement with Red Top Rent-A-Car for rental of limousine for term of 2 years, commencing Jan. 1, 1965, $9,840.00 for use of VIP 10-211-64 47 273 Discussion about official car. C.:..t:y Mgr. to contact General Motors, Chrysler and Ford relative to furnishing official car. 11-17-65 49 442 6 Book Page City Mgr reviews events since proposal received re. new limousine rental. Res. ##11694 adopted authorizing lease of Lincoln Continental for use of City for (cont) AUTOMOBILE - OFFICIAL Book Res. #9924 authorizing agreement with Checker Rent-A-Car, Inc. for rental of official car for term of 2 years commencing Jan. 1, 1959 12-3-58 41 244 Res. #10405 authorizing execution of agreement with Checker Rent-A-Car Inc. for rental of limousine automobile for term of 2 years, commencing Jan. 1, 1961, $9,900 - for use of VIP's 10-19-60 43 285 Res. #10848 authorizing agreement for rental of official car with Checker Rent-A-Car for 2 years, commencing 45 178 Jan. 1, 1963. Councilman Richard questions manner in which notice of bids given. 11-7-62 5 Page AUTOMOBILE - OFFICIAL (coned.) Meeting Date Rental from Red Top Sedan: $4380. 12/15/69 RES. 12899 Funds for Mayor's 1971-72 Budget to provide official car and chauffeur until 12/31/71. 9/30/71 RES. 13483, 2 -yr. rental from Red Top of Cad. Limo: $9,720.(appropriated from Contingency Fund) 12/8/71 Councilman Weinstein requested that City Mgr. take steps to improve appearance of City's official limousine (vinyl top, etc.) to offset its somberness. 12/6/72 AUTOMOBILE - OFFICIAL 10 (continued) Date Request for fundingreferred to TDA for consider- ation. In the interim, Mayor may request City Mgr. to rent a chauffeured limousine on an as -needed basis for ceremonial and other functions. 4/5/78 Commissioner Weisburd advised that she had con- 4/19/78 tatted Mr. Norman Braman to arrange for leasing a vehicle from Braman Cadillac Leasing Corp. for a token consideration, and that Mr. Braman had advised they could not provide a vehicle under those circumstances but offered, as a contri- bution to City, to provide a limousine and chauf- feur for use of visiting dignitaries at the Mayor's request, if given a few days notice to accommodate scheduling. Commissioner Malek AU'TOMOBIL2-OFFICIAL (cont) year 1966 and 1967. Present agreement with Red Top amended, extending period of contract for one year. 12-16-65 49 500 Book sago Mayor Roosevelt advises one of the members of Council was interested in use of Mayor's car. Mayor advises that trip tickets are available for examination by any member of Council or press who wishes to do so. 1-5-66 50 15 Memo filed re. response to operation of Citizen's Service Car. 7-17-68 53 329 AUTOMOBILE - OFFICIAL 9 Date Memo #5275, Res. #75-14798 ado ted,awarding con- 9/3/75 tract for 2 years, 1/1/76 t ru 31/77, to Red Top Sedan Service, Inc., for alternate proposal to provide existing sedan at same rate as bid in 1973, at $9,720 for 2 yrs. U.M. Wikler requested that consideration again 3/15/78 be given to leasing a limousine and that matter be placed on April 5, 1978 agenda for discussion. Commissioner Malek requested Administration to furnish a cost analysis with a view to possible funding by TDA. Memo #6807, costs of providing limousine for Mayor's office (Requested by V.M. Wikler) AUTOMOBILE - OFFICIAL (continued) suggested TDA be notified of this contribution so they could also benefit from it. 4/5/78 11 Date 4/19/78