Bakeries_August 1947 to November 1949)3AKERIES
Book Page
1st and 2nd Readings ord. amending
Ord.#394 changing license fees of
Bak(kries 10/21/36 15 185
3rd Reading Ord.#454 on above
10/21/36 15 185
Bakery permit granted W. F. Juriet
at 505 W.41st St. 11/2/38 17 332
Permit granted to arable Bakery -
429 W. 41st St. 12/14/38 17 398
Isadore Tannen given permit
to operate retail bakery
at 515 41st Street 8/6/1+7
Leo Solomon given permit
to operate bakery at 1102 6/16/48
Normandy Drive
Council denies application
of Savory Bakery for whole-
sale license 7/7/1+8
Council grants permit for
retail bakers in BAA Dist.9/i 5/1+8
at 1451 Drexel Ave.
Book Page
25 325
26 411
26 415
27 92
Resolution calling zoning
hearing passed, to consider
permitting retail bakeries
where baking is done on the
premises in "BB" Districts
and wholesale bakeries in
BC Districts
Book Page
12/1/48 27 218
Zoning hearing held on
proposal to permit retail
bakeries in BB districts
and wholesale bakeries in
BC districts - no change
is made in ordinance 12/17/48
Abe Schonfeid requests
permit to operate
bakery at 7421 Collins
27 256
Book Page
28 404
City Attorney to prepare
resolution calling zoning
hearing re. bakeries 9/21/49 28 404
Res. #7007, calling
zoning hearing to permit
Retail Bakeries in BA
Dists. 9/21/49 28 406
Hearing held re. Bakeries
in BA Classification
City Attorney instructed
to prepare orc'inance making
the zoning change for
consideration at next
regular meeting
Council denies proposal
to reclassify Bakeries
in BA Business Districts 11/2/49
Councilman Richard's
attempt to have hearing
called on placing bakeries 29 346
in "BA" fail$ 5/10/50
Book Page
28 477
29 18
Savory Bakery at 1681
Alton Road granted
wholesale bakery license
Terminal Bakery applies
for license at 301 23rd
Future zoning of bakeries
referred to City Manager
and City Attorney
9/15/48 27
11/17/48 27 196
11/17/48 27 196
Request for bakery license
on Abbott Avenue taken
under consideration 12/1/48 27 218
3 applications for licenses
referred to City Mgr. and
City Attorney
Request of Chas. C. Kahlert
for bakery permit at 7423
Collins Ave. taken under 6/i5/49 28 210
Book Page
6/1/49 28 182
John Starr re 9tA
permit to operate bakery
at 1677 Alton Road
9/21/49 28 401+
Zthoatng aBeid srlump
cluded in BA or BB Diss. 9/21/49
28 404
Council issues permit to
operate bakery at 7421
Collins Avenue
Book Page
9/21/49 28 429
Mrs. Lillian Wiener
objects to issuance of
bakery permit at 7421
Collins Ave. until
hearing has been held 10/5/49 28 447
Motion to rescind two
bakery permits fails 10/6/49 28 470
No action taken on applica-
tions of Fred Angeloh at 1323
Washington Ave and Milton Rock-
well at 816 6th St. to
operate bakeries in BB Dists. 6-7-50 29 402
Book Page
No action taken on appli-
cation of Max Trachtenberg
to operate a bakery at 1323
Washington Ave. 6-14-50 29 410
Request for clarification of
defintion of bakeries re-
ferred to zoning Board 6-21-50
29 423