Bakeries_December 1950 to March 1965BAKERIES
Harold Ungerleider asks for
permit for bakering at 1730
Alton Road in a BB District 9/20/50
Book Pa g e
30 81
Attorney Kovner proposes ordi-
nance permitting Bakeries in
BB --taken under advise-
ment 12-13-50 30 248
Kovner asks for two permits 12-13-50 30 248
Proposed amendment to permit
bakeries in BB fails to carry 12-20-50 30 276
Res.#7519 calling zoning
hearing re. Bakeries in
BB Business District
4-18-51 31
Zoning Hearing conducted
re. bakeries in "BB"
Business District. Ordinance
to be prepared permitting
retail oakeries under certain
restrictions. 5-16-51
and 2nd
lst/reading ordinance
permitting bakeries in "BB"
Business Districts 5-16-51 31 186
City Attorney advises that in
case of 14. Rockwell v. City of
Miami Beach (suit to compel
City to permit operation of
retail bakery at 816 6th Street)
that Circuit Judge Holt has
held zoning ord. unconstitutional
insofar as it prohibits a
bakery at thislocation - No
appeal to be taken 2-21-51 30 402
Request of A. Mechlowitz for
retail bakery referred to
Z. Board 4-4-51 30 539
Book Page
Ord. ;x976 adopted permitting
bakeries in "BB" Business
Districts with certain
Book Page
6-8-51 31 249
Milton Rockwell asks for
zoning amendment to permit bakeries
to use revolving ovens instead of
31 142 Blodgett ovens. Referred to
Assistant City Mgr. Lipp 7-16-52 33 165
Book Page
Building Dept. to hold up on enforcement
of certain zoning laws covering operation
of retail bakeries until full discussion
can be held. (Mrs. Harriet Simon of Sunshine
Bakers appeared saying she operated a
Kosher bakery and could not comply with
hours prescribed by law) 6-21-61 44 108
Mr. Pushkin to set up meeting with repre
sentatives of baking industry and come back
with written recommendations for changes in
Zoning Ordinance governing bakeries.
6-28-61 44 118
Book Page
3rd reading zoning amendment liberalizing
restrictions governing bakeries in "BB"
deferred until Oct. 4, 1961.
9-27-61 44 221
3rd reading ordinance re. Bakeries in
"BB" Business Districts. Ord. #1427
10-4-61 44 238
Res. ##11283 calling zoning hearinc 10/7, to
consider rezoning Lot 2, Blk 2, Harding
Townsite from BA to BB Business District.,
(retail bakery use) 9=2-64 47 197
Hearing to rezone Lot 2, Blk 2, Harding
Townsite (7440 Collins) from BA to BB 47
for r:tai1 bakery. Decisioii deferred i0-7-64 249
Book Page
Mr. Push':'_.., recommends that public
hearing be called to consider amending
appropriate section of zoning ordinance
to provide for new regulations governing
the operation of bakeries. Res.#10611
adopted calling hearing on Sept. 6, 1961.
8-2-61 44 163
Zoning hearing conducted re. regulations
governing operation of bakeries in "BB".
Interpretation of proposed ordinance asked.
1st reading given ordinance liberalizing
retail bakery regulations. 9-6-61 44 210
Book Page
Change of zoning denied re. Lot 2,
Blk 2, Harding Townsite, from EA to BB
to permit baking on premises.
10-21-64 47 276
Mr. Harry Kleinman representing
Kaplan -Collins Co., owner of 7440 Collins
Ave. appears re. zoning ordinance limiting
bakeries in "BB " District. Mr. Kleinman
advised to pursue his request to operate
a bakery at 7440 Collins with Zoning Board
of Adjustment. 3-24-65 48 410