Art Museum And Art Collection_June 1963 to February 1964ML),(�V�11
Atty Alex Gordon, representing Mr. &
Mrs. John Bass, presents proposal in
connection with art collection which
the Basses want to give to the City,
to be housed in Old Library Building
and to be identified as the John and
Johanna Bass Art Museum. Discussion
re. improvements needed to library
building. Bass gift accepted in
principle; City Mgr. to determine cost
of improving Old Library Building.
6-19-63 46 1
Book Page
City Mgr. reports re. conference held
with Basses,their atty., Councilman
Turchin and architect B. Robert Swartburg,
in connection with remodeling Old Library
Bldg. for housing Bass Art Collection.
Plan and estimated cost of project presented.
Status of agreement with Bases, also terms
of agreement with architect discussed.
Councilman Frank says all architects
should be contacted. Mr. Swartburg
employed. Council approves Bass agreement
subject to final approval of City Atty
and City Mgr. 7-3-63 46
Book Page
Discussion re. Bass Art appraisal.
Mayor Richard gives estimated value
of paintings and tapestry. Proposed
addition to house tapestries discussed.
Motion that tapestries be accepted and
suitable building be erected to house
them and matter of letting out bids
be left to discretion of City Mgr.
carries. Mr. Bass to pay for the
backing of the tapestries $4,000. and
$12,000 toward the building, as he
previously offered to do.
8-7-63 46
Res, #;11113 adopted re. contract with
David M. Abel Construction Co., as
called for by terms of the Bass agreement.
12-4-63 46 326
Action deferred on resolution creating
Board of Trustees of the Bass Museum of Art.
12-4-63 46 326
Permission granted to have photographers
from Life magazine take photographs of
art collection when it comes to City.
1-2-64 46 368
-layor to advise Bass's attorney that
Board of the Museum as constituted in
2ontract is in effect. Councilman Frank
suggestssthat m ml?ers of Fin. Arts Board
e asked for the].r reoommen ati n as to (co L.)
Book Page
Bass agreement discussed. Resolution
authorizing execution of the agreement
as amended adopted. Res. ##11024
7-3-63 46
Atty. for Basses, Alex Gordon, requests
Council action on certain items re. Bass
Museum . Council accepts additional paintings
for loan and exhibition purposes. Mr. & Mrs.
Bass referred to City Atty re. naming of
appraisers. Res. ##11023 authorizing
execution of agreement with B. Robert
Swartburg for architectural services
re. remodeling and alteration of Old
Library Bldg. for total fee of $12,000.
7-17-63 46 37
Book Page
Council agrees to let reporter from
M. B. Sun borrow Bass appraisal.
8-7-63 46 55
Contract awarded to David M. Abel
Construction Co., $129,950.00 for
remodeling Old Library incident to
housing the Bass Art Collection.
Mayor Richard discusses conversation
with Alexander Gordon re. agreement with
Basses. City Atty asked if City were
obligated to go through with this agreement,
etc. 9-18-63 46 154
composition of Board of Tru
Bass Museum.
Book Page
stees of
1-15-64 46 398
Music & Fine Arts Board presents
recommendations relative to Bass Art
Museum. No action taken. Mayor Richard
advises members of Board to meet with
the Basses to discuss everything they wish
and bring back mutually agreed upon
recommendations to Council.
2-5-64 46 417
Res. ##11169 accepting Bills of Sale for
Bass Art Collection and Tapestries.
City Mgr. advises meetings had been held
in connection with insuring collection and
City was still negotiating theprrice.46 448
Book Page
Mayor advises Mr. Bass indicated they
will loan other articles to City and
asked for permission to negotiate for
space on second floor. Mayor says Mr.
Everhart, City's Chief Librarian will
work this out. Mr. Bass serving as
temporary curator at no salary until
Council takes action. 3-4-64 46 448
Council approves expenditure for installation
)f burglar alarm system at Bass Museum.
3-18-64 46 470
Application of Fla. Tent Rental Co.
to erect tent at Bass Museum of Art for
opening dedication ceremony on 4/7/64
approved. 3-18-64 46 472
Board of Trustees establish hours
of operation and admission charges for
museum. Action tabled on motion to
eliminate charge. City Atty to review
Bass contract re. powers delegated to
Board of Trustees. 4-1-64 46 495
No action taken re. Dr. Morris Zucker's
discussion relating to the museum.
4-15-64 47 19
Letter from Mr. & Mrs. John Bass
enumerating add'l items they were donating
to City. (letter filed with original Bass
Agreement in City Clerk's office file).
Res. :11240 accepting donations.
6-3-64 47 73
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