Bass Art Museum_March 1970 to September 1974BASS ART MUSEUM 19 Meeting date City Mgr's. report extended to 4-15. 3-20-70 Insurance companies to be contacted, studies, appraisals made; guards stationed until problem solved. Request of Jos.Z.Fleming re proposals, petitions, removed from agenda at his request; replaced at option of City Mgr. 4-1-70 q-.2 8-7o Sett ca -0 20 4-7-71 Insurance contract to Southern Underwriters, $2,460 for 3 yrs, excluding art objects. 7-7-71 BASS ART MUSEUM Bayard Strell appearance re funds . Letter from Mr. John Bass, making donation of seven paintings to the Bass Museum, presented. City Atty. advised it was Council's prerogative to accept or reject offer. 20 Meeting date 9-28-70 12/6/72 12/6/72 Council voted to reject donation of 7 paintings. 12/6/72 City Mgr. & City Atty. directed to prepare studies and reports re: Bass Museum, its contents and function and to return reports to Council for consideration as to what future policy shall be set for Museum. Study to include alternatives as to legal ramifications BASS ART MUSEUM 21 Meeting Date, if Council desires to terminate agreement. etc. 12/6/72 Councilman Haber requested an attendance study. 12/6/72 Councilman Greene suggested that opinions be obtained from museum experts as to what type of museum was ideal for a City the size of M.B. 12/6/72 Vice Mayor's motion that the City Atty. prepare documents necessary to sever relationship with the Bass Museum and that a study be undertaken as to making the museum a more viable one, failed of passage. All Risk Fine Arts insurance awarded for 1 yr. $16,000 to Equity Underwriters for Unigard Mutual 12/6/72 V2/73 BASS MUSEUM 23 Meeting Date Two motions to provide for re -opening Museum failed of passage. No action was taken on proposal that Bass Museum be reopened. Councilman Dr. Haber requested the City Mgr. to 1) submit an up- dated status report re; the Museum, included in which should be info as to whether or not Metro has made a bona fide offer to assume the operation of Museum, and if so, the ad- vantages or disadvantages: 2) explore possibility of City obtaining State or Fed. funds to support operation of Museum; 3) submit alternate suggestions for operation of this facility, so that Councilmen can be prepared to act when 6/6/73 BASS MUSEUM 25 Meeting Date Memo 4329 to replace air conditioning 12/19/73 tower - order increased by $435.00 approved. BASS ART MSEUM Arbitration award regarding operation Bass Art Museum - details of 6 point decision of Arbitration Board (per City Atty's memorandum of 8/23/74) reviewed. 1- City Atty authorized to have the award of Arbitration Board filed in the Circuit Court and made a Rule of the Court. 2 -City Atty rquested to prepare a letter of commendation to Mr. Fleming, for signature by all members of the Council. %;-t 11/6/74 27 Meeting Date of 9/11/74 Accepting donation of 2 paintings to museum which are presently on loan, deferred. To be replaced on agenda when City Mgr. has documented authentication. BASS MUSEUM 22 Meeting Date Council voted to close Bass Museum temporarily until questions of authenticity and other legal aspects are concluded. 5/2/73 Re insurance - Administration was directed to negotiate with insurance company to determine possi- bility of lower premium due to closing. 5/2/73 Council Memo 4061 -Request by Bass Museum Bd. of Trustees that Bass Museum be reopened. Re: reopening Bass Museum, Council authorized hiring a director; funding therfor as recom- mended by Mgr. & Bd. of Tstees. Council directed City Atty. working with Bd. of Tstees, to file counter arbitration claim 6/6/73 6/6/73 6/6/73 BASS MUSEUM results of pending arbitration are known. MAYOR Hall indicated his dissatisfaction with the fact that the Museum was still closed, and urged that steps be taken to reopen the facility in view of the ap- proaching holidays and tourist season. At the request ofMayor Hall, reopening Bass Museum placed on agenda. Council voted to reopen Museum, with understanding that arbitration proceedings will not be affected by this action. 24 Meeting Date 11/7/73 11/21/73 12/12/73 BASS ART MUSEUM 26 Meeting Date Memo 4660, Fire, Extended coverage, Vandalism 7/17/74 and Malicious Mischief Insurance on Bass Art Museum and Contents (Not including art objects) awarded Southern Underwriters, Inc., (Highlands Insurance Co. - carrier), annual premium $1,238, 3 yr payable in advance, $3,343. for 3 yr period. Arbitration award regarding operation of Bass 9/4/74 Art Museum - not reached - deferred to 9/11/74. BASS ART MUSEUM 27A Memo #4805 Date Res. #74-14512A adopted, awarding contract for 10/16/74 alarm system to Systems for Security Inc., for 5 yr. period beginning 11/3/74, 1st year's pay- ment of $3,678.00 includes installation charge; 2nd thru 5th yr, $1968.00 per yr. Waiver of formal bidding procedures approved. (See Alarm Systems - Contracts