Bass Art Museum_June 1978 to September 1979BASS ART MUSEUM (continued) Mesdames Judy Drucker and Marcy Lefton to the Cultural Advisory Brd., and that their first assignment will be to aid in the attempted resolution of the Bass Museum dispute. 38 Date 6/7/78 Request of Mrs. Lois Dobrin, M.B. Art Museum 6/7/78 Committee,to discuss Bass Museum. Commissioner Weinstein reiterated directions to City Mgr. during discussions of C -2B and R -2B, to attempt to resolve Bass Museum matter. Memo #6955, transfer of $7,000 from Contingency 6/28/78 Funds for payment for closed circuit surveil- lance system for Bass Museum, approved. BASS ART MUSEUM (continued) family, regarding matters concerning Museum. He also advised that meeting of Brd. was being planned early in January. During course of meeting, a copy of the Probate filing of Last Will and Testament of John Bass was received, wherein CMB is named as a beneficiary. (NOTE: this material forwarded by City Clerk to mem- bers of Commission and appropriate City staff on Dec. 7, 1978). Mr. Roger Bass, trustee of the Museum, appeared and advised that he would make every effort to resolve present problems concerning Museum's operation. BASS ART MUSEUM 39 Date City Atty. and City Mgr. directed to make every 8/2/78 effort to resolve Bass Museum matter, and to report outcome and submit recommendations on 9/6/78, at which time the Commission will con- sider institution of litigation, if it is deemed appropriate. Memo #7103, Res. #78-15722 adopted, expressing 9/20/78 appreciation of Brd. of Trustees of the Bass Art Museum in memory of Mr. Bass, and express- ing sympathy and condolences to his family. (See Resolutions -Miscellaneous) City Mgr. reported receipt of communication 12/6/78 from Atty. Melvin Richard, representing Bass 40 BASS ART MUSEUM 41 Date Date City Mgr. advised that he will be forwarding 3/7/79 a report to Commission on meeting recently held by Brd. of Trustees. (Report filed with minutes of meeting of 3/21/79) 12/6/78 1/17/79 BASS ART MUSEUM 42 Date Memo #7540, Atty. Melvin J. Richard appeared. 6/ Res. #79-15942 adopted, authorizing amendments to agreement with Bass family, to include changes as recommended by Bass Museum Brd. of Trustees and Administration. City Mgr. advised he will be in contact with either Mr. Richard or Mr. Roger Bass so as to provide funding for Mr. Bass to attend future Brd. meetings. Memo #7633, request from Roger Bass to recon- 8/1/79 sider proposal in contract re: designees. Deferred to 9/5/79 per advice by Mayor Haber that Mr. Bass had so requested. (1. L.T.C. #61-79 transmitting July 25, 1979 letter from Roger Bass) City Atty. and City Mgr. authorized to approve 5/16/79 settlement stipulation, which includes agree- ment by City to accept those art objects present- ly housed in Bass Museum which have not yet been so accepted.... Res. #79-15918 adopted, accepting all exhibits in Bass Museum that are not already accepted by City of Miami Beach. BASS ART MUSEUM 43 Date Memo #7660, renewal of contract awarded under 9/5/79 Bid No. 151-74 for a central station protective signaling system in Bass Museum for a period of 5 yrs. beginning Nov. 3, 1979, bid amount: $11,536.80 for 5 yrs. Awarded, Systems for Security, Inc., at a rate of $192.28 per month. Funds for required annual expenditure to be provided in Library/Bass Museum operating budget. (See Alarm Systems (Contract)) Memo #7633, request from Roger Bass to re- consider proposal in contract re: designees. (LTC #61-79 transmitting July 25, 1979 letter from Roger Bass.) (Deferred from 8/1/79 per 9/5/79