Beaches_April 1969 to September 1971Paas BEACHES Hearing to be held 4/23/69 - Cypress Room, Convention Hall South re. what to be done to combat beach erosion & provide restoration of beaches. 3/5/69 66 BOOK PAGE 54 258 Notice to be given to all civic organizations in M.B & to be advertised to public at large. All experts deemed necessary to be invited & an expert from the U.S. Corps of Engineers. Study report by Fla. State Bd. of Conservation to be available 3/31/69. 3/5/69 54 258 BEACHES 67 Book Page Hearing on beach erosion continued to 6/11/69; Council requested notice given to all civic organizations in M.B., also published in 4 newspapers, larger size than usual, asked for cooperation of news media & press to publicize hearing. Many requests for information made, for presentation at hearing. 4/23/69 54 368 Council expressed desire to proceed with erection of groin near 14th Street, south of White House Hotel. W.T.Carlson, Director of Division of Beaches & Shores, Fla. Bd. of Conservation, promised complete cooperation, said it is necessary for White House Hotel to modify BEACHES 68 Book Page its existing groin, & for City to construct a lower -type groin. Seiderman asked for cooperation of Bal Harbour hotel interests in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plan. Seiderman asked City Atty. to give legal opinion & to obtain same from Atty. General re. statement that "the beach belongs to the public of Dade County." 4/23/69 54 369 Beach Erosion hearing changed to Oceanfront Auditorium, 6/11/69. 5/21/69 54 436 BEACHES 69 Book Page Beach erosion hearing at 10th St. Auditorium concluded. Action tabled to 6/18/69 on motion that Council approve U.S. Army Corps of Eng. plan. City Mgr. to evaluate situation & submit questions to Council. Status report requested re. groin construction - 14th St. & Ocean. 482 6/11/69 54 489 Council declared purpose to be for hurricane protection & to prevent beach erosion. Asked administration for recommendations, plus cost of implementing Corps of Engineers Plan & any other plan which may seem feasible. Dermer requested his motion that Council approve U.S.A.C.E.plan BEACHES Complaint (Greene) re slovenly con- cessions at 46th and 53rd Sts; 7-7 agenda. 71 Meeting date Maintenance by City: City Mgr to meet with Metro re subsidizing cost; breakdown of costs; establish taxing fee; new equipment use (1.d. calls to be made); youth corps clean-up crew. Lifeguard transfer to Metro on 8-4 (Powell). Recommendatns from Atty, Mgr. requested (Mayor). AGENDA OF 8-4. ....deferred to 8-18 for City Mgr report, appearance of Louis Kroll. 6-23-71 7-21-71 8-4-71 BEACHES 73 Meeting date Maintenance by owners: 1st, 2nd passed, adding Sec.25.94.1 -failure to maintain by owner unlawful, etc. Owners invited to 3rd reading 10-20. 10-6-71 Restoration: RES.13425 approving U.S. restoration, hurricane protection, urging Metro,State,etc. to seek appropriations. Maintenance by owners: ORD.1899 requiring owner upkeep; empowering City to clean at owner expense, place lien. 10-20-71 10-20-71 BEACHES on 7/16/69 agenda. Complaints re unkempt beaches, shower water spilling into street (6th & 7th Sts.) 6/18/69 70 Book Page 55 9 Erosion: RES.12914, adopting U.S. Army Corps of Eng. plan. Versailles Hotel beach: report given. ....City Atty to interplead in Gerstein suit re bulkheads; Mayor to be stricken as plaintiff. BEACHES Meeting date 7-02-69 12-17-69 12-17-69 6-24-70 72 Meeting date Maintenance by City: Goodman withdrew request that City maintain beaches because of costs. RES. 13373 deploring County maintenance neglect, requesting appearance before Metro to present City's demands. Maintenance by owners: Proposed Ord. for 9-15 for pvt. property owners to clean individ. beach. 9-1-71 9-1-71 Maintenance: proposed amendmt re upkeep of oceanfront properties deferred to 10-6. 9-15-71 BEACHES Weinstein requested status report from City Mgr re maintenance. Settlement of expert witness fees CMB vs. Liflans (Corps of Engineers - beach erosion and hurricane protection test case) approved as recommended by City Atty. and Mr. S.Z.Bennett: Harry Fleming $10,000 Robert Cantwell, $6,900 plus interest from time of judgement and dismissal of pending litigation Payment to be made as early as possible following adoption of 1972-73 budget. 8/16/72 74 Meeting date 11-17-71