Beaches_February to September 1975BEACHES
Regulating picnicking in parks and beaches.
Requested by Council 1/15/75. Ord. passed
on first reading. Hearing and second reading
scheduled for 3/5/75.
From Reports: Signs reflecting penalty for
violation to be posted.
Mr. Mark Helfman appeared and advised that
chickees on the beach, which have deteri-
orated, are being removed and not replaced.
Mayor Rosen indicated that he was in favor
of replacement and would discuss it with
the Admin.
Amending Sec. 25-71 of the City Code, pro-
hibiting picnicking, except in areas to be
Memo #5082, Erosion Control Line for City- 4/2/75
owned property for the Beach Erosion Control
and Hurrican Protection Project for Dade Co.
Deferred to April 16, 1975 at 11:30 a.m, for
further information as to location of proposed
Memo #5082, Erosion Control Line for City -owned 4/16/75
property for the Beach Erosion Control and Hur-
ricane Protection Project for Dade Co. Res.
#75-14696 adopted, authorizing the Mayor and
City Clerk t o execute necessary consent agree-
ments in connection with establishment of
erosion control line on or adjacent to City -
owned property having frontage on the Atlantic
ocean. Requested by Councilman Dr. Haber.
Deferred to June 18, 1975.
Discussion of installation of ropes into the 6/18/75
ocean, (deferred from 6/4/75). Requested by
Councilman Dr. Haber. Admin. directed to
expeditiously install ropes,per Safety Com-
mittee's recommendation, starting at South end
of Lummus Park, working north, within budgetary
considerations, using permanently installed
poles to support lines above water.
(Status report LTC 300-75 attached to records in
meeting file)
Corps of Engineers that this was an official
action taken by Council on this date, give them
our timetable as to what the City plans to do
if they do nothing, give them the deadline dates
by which we must proceed on our own. Suggestions
also made that delegation appear before U. S.
Corps of Engineers in Washington to seek aid;
also that delegation appear before County Com-
mission regarding this problem and need for
alleviation of same.
Motion by Councilman Dr. Leonard Haber that City
take more forceful action against Dade Co. and
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers relative to removal
of rocks from City beaches in the So. Beach area,
Memo #5609, modification of Erosion Control
Line along Miami Beach Kennel Club property
deferred to 3/31/76.
Memo #5609, modification of Erosion Control
Line along M.B. Kennel Club property. Change
approved, as shown on sketch filed with records
o meeting. Council declined to take action on
Kennel Club's request that City commit itself
to retaining pilings of South Pier, in event
pier is abandoned.
Council indicated approval of Councilman Spaet's
offer to appear before Metro Commission to pre-
sent them with resolution concerning the unclean
(cont'd) Date
designated by Director of Parks and Rec-
reation. (first reading 2/5/75) Hearing
concluded. Ord. No. 75-2032 adopted, as
Mr. Mack Helfman appeared and requested that
the Admin. be instructed to repair, maintain
and construct additional chickees on the
beaches of the City. City Mqr. to furnish
Council with up-to-date report.LTC No.160-75 3/12/75
filed with records of this meeting.
Mr. Jack Markowitz appeared and complained of
harassment by certain individuals of people
using the Tenth St. beach area and the City
Mqr. was requested to investigate. 3/12/75
Mgr. Report - LTC 180-75 filed with above.
Ocean, for Dade Co. beach erosion control and
hurricane protection project, with the under-
standing, on advice of counsel, that Federal
legislation was drawn so as to preserve the
City's riparian rights
Councilman Dr. Haber requested some action 4/16/75
be taken regarding the Chickees on beaches;
in favor of them because the City needs some
things that are indigenous to this area.
City Mgr. advised Admin. is attempting to
find some substitute; that alternatives will
be presented at the 5/7/75 meeting.
Discussion of installation of ropes into the
Correspondence from County Commissioner
Harvey Ruvin re: maintenance of Public and
Private Beach between 3rd and 5th Streets.
Delegation of citizens appeared and asked
that action be taken to have the rocks re-
moved from the beaches in this area. At
the conclusion of discussion, City Atty. was
instructed to review feasibility of instituting
lawsuits against the U. S. Corps of Engineers
and Metro Dade Co. to rid the area of rocks.
Necessary factual reports to be prepared. City
Mgr. directed to develop all necessary background
deemed needed quickly in order for this City to
move ahead with its own funds, if recessary to
clean the beaches, and then notify the Co. and
(cont'd) Date
and to authorize City Atty. and Admin. to seek
reimbursement of expenses incurred by City for
rocks removal. 1) City Mgr. advised that City personnel
&equipment is being used to remove the rocks from
beaches and this will continue until the situ-
ation is improved. 2) City Atty. and City Mgr.
to work together to build a case from facts from
very beginning of matter; to seek professional
engineering guidance as to standard of work and
how Corps of Engineers should have proceeded. U.M.
Meyerson also suggested that at one point he
thought Corps had admitted negligence and indicated
there should have been a barrier or screen but that
there was a lack of funds to do this, and this aspect
should be explored. 10/15/75
condition of City's beaches, and poor mainte-
nance by Co., and City Atty. was requested to
preparean appropriate resolution.
Resoluti'bn No. 76-15059B advising County
Commission re. neglect of beaches and de-
manding correction included in record after
the fact, implementing Councilman Spaet's
At suggestion of V.M. Haber that a Council com- 9/1/76
6/2/76 mittee be designated to work with Metro's Mayor
and staff, and other relevant governmental agen-
cies, to insure proper maintenance of City's
beaches, Mayor Rosen appointed V.M. Haber and