Beaches_September 1976 to December 1978BEACHES
Councilman Weinstein. Dr. Haber also suggested
posting of signs throughout City to indicate where
public beaches are located; requested that City
Atty. contact City's insurance carrier and its
counsel, to work out a way to alleviate require-
ment that swimming be prohibited at street -end
beaches where there are no lifeguards, in order
to be able to restore showers for public uses.
Res. #76-15125 adopted, designating committee
and prescribing its duties.
Councilman Spaet requested City Atty. to obtain
necessary waivers to permit civic -minded youth
groups to proceed with clean-up project.
V.Mayor Haber announced meeting with Metro of- 9/15/76
ficials had been arranged to be held on Thursday,
Sept. 23, 1976, at 9:30 a.m. on 8th floor of City
Hall, and requested that appropriate City personnel
be present for purpose of discussing and resolving
problems concerning beach maintenance and beach
A motion for adoption of a resolution to trans- 9/29/76
fer Beach Patrol Division to Metro -Dade Co.,
failed of passage.
City Mgr. explains and recommends.
approves recommendation. (P.11-12)
Per request of V.M. Haber, as member of Coun- 12/8/76
cilmanic Committeere: maintenance of private
and public beaches, Council approved, in con-
cept, form of Metro's proposed agreement with
property owners for access to privately owned
beaches for purposes of maintenance.
Presentation by Mr. Ben Grenald, V. Chairman 2/2/77
of TDA, of resolution requesting designation
of certain limited areas as "Topless" Beaches.
Subject referred to M.B. Commission on the
Status of Women for consideration and report
Councilman Dr. Wikler renewed request to con- 2/16/77
sider designating certain beach areas which
would be used by men only and women only.
CommissionereWeisburd referred to City's 4/5/78
widened beaches and requested Administration
to review and report on matter of continued
maintenance of same by Metro. (See Metro -Dade
Ord. #78-2124 adopted as an emergency measure 6/7/78
providing for closing of City Parks, Playgrounds,
Beaches and Golf Courses between certain hours
(requested by Mayor Haber). (See Golf Course,
Parks & Playgrounds)
to the proposal for the use of mobile food
operations. City Mgr. advised Commission of
reasons the action was taken and that Commis-
sion will be kept informed regarding future
action in this respect. (See Beach Concessions) 12/20/78
Memo #7740, an ord. amending Chap. 44 of
City Code of CMB prohibiting vehicles on
beaches and exceptions thereto. Deferred
to 9/20/79.
Memo #7740, ordinance passed on 1st reading 9/20/79
amending Chap. 44 of City Code of C.M.B.,
prohibiting vehicles on beaches and exceptions
thereto. Hearing and second reading scheduled
B.A.C. recommended
transfer Beach Patrol function to Metro thru
an Interlocal agreement to assure maintenance
of existing quality of service. City Mgr.
recommends: City Mgr. and City Atty. to pursue
to see what type of agreement can be worked
out. (Pages 14,15,16)
9/13/76 -BW
No action..:, taken on BAC recommendation #3, that 9/27/76B
Beach Patrol function be transferred to County
by means of a firm interlocal agreement until
Administration has had opportunity to complete
negotiations with New County Mgr. and Commission.
City Atty advised that in light of recent Fla.
Supreme Court decision re. unconstitutionality
of double taxation, the City is in advantageous
position. Mayor Rosen designated Councilmen
Weinstein and Meyerson as a committee of Council
to accompany City Mgr. to meet with County of-
ficials to bring this matter to fruition. (P.5-6)
Request of Burleigh House, 71st St. & Collins 9/28/76B
Ave. for beach repairs, inclusion of $7,300.
(continued) Date
at Feb. 16, 1977 meeting. 2/2/77
During discussion of area for "Topless Beaches" 2/2/77
Councilman Dr. Haber suggested that additional
signage be erected which emphasizes beaches and
beach activities so as to expand the public
consciousness of the City's natural asset.
Councilman Dr. Wikler requested Administration 2/2/77
to consider designating certain beach areas
which would be used by men only and women only,
per suggestion of several orthodox religious
leaders of the community.
Res. #78-15673 adopted concerning double
taxation by Metro -Dade Co. for provision of
Beach Patrol Services (requested by Commis-
sioner Weisburd). (See Metro -Dade Co.)
Memo #7222, operation of food,beverage and 12/6/78
beach chair concessions, for a 5 -yr. period.
Bids rejected and Administration authorized
to advertise for bids for food concession
operation thru 9/30/79 at all locations using
portable trailers. (See Beach Concessions)
Mr. Jeff Blumenfeld of Mr. Coney Island Restau- 12/20/78
rant, expressed his objections to the manner in
which the recent contract award was handled and
(continued) Date
for Oct. 3, 1979 at 2:00 p.m. 9/20/79
Mono #7740, Ord. #79-2177 adopted, amending 10/3/79
Chapter 44 of City Code of C.M.B., Fla., by
adding a new section prohibiting vehicles
on beaches and providing for exceptions
thereto; repealing all ordinances in conflict
and providing for an effective date.
Complaint heard of "Big Red" McElligott to 10/17/79
discuss removal of rocks from City's beaches.
Commissioner Weisburd requested Administration
to meet with all affected parties in an effort
to resolve rock problem and to render a