Beaches_October to December 1979BEACHES (continued) definitive report on 11/7/79. Dr. Charles Pezold, representing Dade Co., appeared and outlined steps being taken to remove rocks. Report from Public Works Director concerning actions taken and to be taken, was presented and filed with records of this meeting. (See Metro Dade Co.) Request of Commissioner Elayne Weisburd to discuss problem of rocks on the Beaches. (Hear in conjunction with Item R -1-A) De- ferred to 11/7/79. (See related item in prior entry, same date) 163 Date 10/17/79 10/17/79 BEACHES (continued) for exceptions thereto; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 12/19/79, at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Friedman requested Ad- ministration to look into complaints he has re- ceived relative to cars parked on boardwalk be- hind Triton Towers and Roney Plaza, and the inadequate lighting, etc. He said he intended to address this subject during the workshop to be held on Recreation. Oral presentation on status of rock signage for beaches. See related Item, Card #104, same date, "Request of "Big Red" McElligott..." 105 Date 12/5/79 12/5/79 BEACHES continued) available from Bahamas, and he requested Ad- minitration to explore possibility of acquir- ing this material for use on City's beaches. He also requested Administration to seek aid of Co. Commission, Congressmen Pepper and Fascell, and U. S. Senators from Florida, in obtaining funds to cover costs of additional methods required to further sift pumped -up material so as to create a fine sand beach and/or to purchase coral sand fill. (See U. S. Government) X07 Date 12/19/79 Mr. "Big Red" McElligott's prepared statement 12/19/79 re: problem of rocks on the beach, filed with records of meeting. (See prior entry same date) BEACHES Mr. John "Big Red" McElligott read a prepared onsters of theeachesand aebenurgedg gthater omorehdefinitiveks action be taken to lessen the danger. Request of "Big Red" McElligott to disucss 12/5/79 problem of rocks on the beach, deferred to 12/19/79 at request of Mr. McElligott. (See Beach Restoration Project and Metro - Dade Co. related entries of same date) Ord. passed on 1st reading repealing Ord. #79-2177, amending Sec. 44-2.1 of Code of M.B., Fla., so as to provide for prohibition of vehicles on beaches in C.M.B. and providing 104 Date 11/21/79 BEACHES Memo #7927, Res. #79-16131 adopted as amended, approving and granting a temporary beach nourishment easement to U.S.A. for 4th Phase of Beach Nourishment Project for placing of fill in designated areas from 36th St. to South 500' of north boundary of Lummus Park in C.M.B.and authorizing execution of said easement. Prior to approval, agreement was amended to include offer by Corps of Engineers as set forth in 12/19/79 letter, to effect that it is the plan of Corps of Engineers and Dade Co. to sift pumped -up sand to be placed on beach so that it will not contain rocks over 1". Com- missioner Weinstein referred to past information obtained concerning white coral sand that was 12/5/79 -1-06 Date 12/19/79 BEACHES Hearing held and concluded, re: ord. repeal- ing Ord. #79-2177; amending Sec. 44-2.1 of Code of M.B. Fla., so as to provide for pro- hibition of vehicles on beaches in C.M.B. and providing for exceptions thereto; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. Ord. #79-2188 adopted as amended. Rocks on Beaches - Commissioner Weinstein re- 12/19/79 f rred to past information obtained concerning white coral Ind that was available from Bahamas, and. requested dministration to explore posse ility of acquiring this material for use on City's beaches. He also requested 108 Date 1279