American Legion_August 1959 to April 1964AP ERICAN LEGION 32
Book Page
Request for S3,000. to send Greater
Miami Drum and Bugle Corps to American
Legion Convention denied as per recommendation
of Public Rel. Adv. Committee
8-19-59 42 228
No action on request for advance of
$3,000 to send Drum and Bugle Corps
to American Legion Convention.
8-19-59 42 255
Res. #10322 granting certain extraordinary
authorizations, permissions, licenses and
cooperation of various City Depts. in
connection with Natl Amer. Legion Convention
to be held in Oct. 1960 4-6-60 43 54
Book Page
Report of committee re. naming
of Exhibition Hall presented.
Largest meeting room to be designated
"Veterans Memorial Room - Dedicated to
Peace". Americian Legion representatives
approved. 8-21-57 39 513
American Legion authorized to dedicate
one room at Exhibition Hall as War Memorial
Room. Matter of selection of room
referred to Mr. Lipp. 10-15-58 41 150
Request for $4,000 to help send Drum
and Bugle Corps to National Americant bu ions
Legion Convention. Exact amt o 0
to be mad. by other cities° e42 129
nedP before acisatak nun -1 -5
Book Page
$3,000 appropriation authorized
from ucf to help send Harvey Seeds
Drum and Bugle Corps. to National
Convention 7-1-59 42 144
Statement of Harvey W. Seeds Drum
& Bugle Corps for Council appropriation
authorized July 1, 1959, to send drum
and bugle corps to National Convention
$3,000.00 7-15-59 42 185
Communication filed from Harvey Seeds
Drum & Bude Corps. thanking City for
contribution of $3,000 7-15-59 42 190
Book Page
from American Legion expressing
for cooperation during Convention.
11-2-60 43
Res. #10534 authorizing renewal
of Beach Equipment Concession for
3 year period, commencing May 1, 1961.
4-5-61 44
$260.00 appropriated for Lawrence Hoffman
to go to Legion Convention in Denver
to accept award for City. 9-6-61 44
Council approves advancement of
$5,000 to Legion to be used for working
capital, same secured by promissory note
to be repaid within 100 days after
June 3, 1963 (convention) 6-5-63 45
Book Page
Construction of an all -flower float for
American Legion Parade authorized.
Estimated cost approx. $3,000. Funds
317 available in Budget.
8_17-60 43 191
Appropriation of $5,047.50 authorized
from ucf for decorating City for
30 American Legion Convention.
g-21-60 43 244
$600.00 authorized from ucf for temporary
211 lighting of eight missiles in front of
Convention Hall during American Legion
convention. 9-21=60 43 244
Book Page
Res. 011190 authorizing renewal of
agreement with American Legion
for beach equipment rental concession
on all beaches except 46th St. and 29th
Street, for 3 years ending April 30, 1967
(commencing May 1, 1964) . 4-1-64 46 497
Correspondence of 2/19/70 (see 7/1/59 entry
of $3000 to Legion). Back up papers filed
in Transfile # , labled 3/18/75
Book Page
Councilman Powell resolution be
adopted expressing appreciation to
Lawrence Hoffman and Convention Dir.
Tom Smith for bringing American Legion
Convention to Miami Beach. City Atty
to prepare same. 6-5-63 45 482
Mr. Lawrence Hoffmanrequests $7,500for
decorations of streets in M. B. during
American Legion Convention in Sept.
$7,500 appropriated from ucf for this
purpose. 8-7-63 46 54