Ambulance Service_May 1959 to December 1963AMBULANCE SERVICE 19 Book Page Ruth Hellman asks for continuation of ambulance contract matter. Discussion on request. President of Eastern Ambulance Service speaks. Mr. Lipp still recommends that ambulance contract be awarded to Eastern. Final action on ambulance contract to be taken on June 10, 1959. 5-20-59 42 AMBULANCE SERVICE 20 Book Page Mr. Lipp reports on ambulance service bids; recommends Eastern. Heliman's amend their bid. Discussion by Council. Res. #10132 awarding ambulance contract to Eastern Ambulance Service. 6-17-59 42 117 Action deferred on approval of rates 85 to be charged by Miami Dade Eastern Ambulance Co. for private calls in Miami Beach 7-15-59 42 195 Dade Eastern Ambulance Sersrice files schedule of rates for service. Approved. 8-5-59 42 224 Award of ambulance contract deferred. 6-10-59 42 116 AMBULANCE SERVICE Book Ambulance rates of Hellman Funeral Chapel approved for 1958-59 license year. 10-21-59 42 Action deferred on application of Riverside Ambulance Co. for approval of schedule of rates for private ambulance service. 1-20-60 42 448 21 Page 344 Mr. Lipp to investigate elimination of sirens on ambulances 2-10-60 42 AMBULANCE SERVICE Private ambulance service rates approved: Riverside Walsh & Wood Dade -Miami Eastern 22 Book Page 3-2-60 43 17 Private ambulance service rates approved - Walsh & Wood 2-1-61 43 474 7 24 Page 476 Res. ##10521 approving change in corporate title of Dade -Miami Eastern Ambulance Service, Inc. to Randle -Eastern Ambulance Service, Inc. 3-15-61 44 AMBULANCE SERVICE 23 Book Page Res. *10559 authorizing renewal of ambulance contract with Randle -Eastern Ambulance Service, Inc. for 2 yrs. commencing June 18, 1961 5-3-61 44 65 Paul Bruun complains of excessive use of sirens and urges strong measures be taken to curb same. Mayor Oka says everything possible is being done to curb use of sirens. 4-18-62 44 469 Res. *11008 authorizing extension of ambulance contract with Randle Eastern Ambulance Service, Inc. for 90 days from present expiration date June 18, 1963 to Se t. 19. 1063" h -S -F, 4S 490 AMBULANCE SERVICE Extension of contract with Randle Eastern Ambulance Service, Inc. on day to day basis authorized. 9-18-63 46 156 Res. *11109 calling hearing on Dec. 18th to consider amending the Noise Ordinance so as to curtail or prohibit use of sirens on ambulances in Miami Beach. Clerk to send notices. 12-4-63 46 308 Hearing conducted re. curtailing use of sirens on ambulances. City Mgr. requested to issue directive to ambulance company to tighten up use of sirens; also to set up meetin with hospitals, Police Dapt. enc ambulance company. 12-18-63 46 353 Book