Air Rights-Site #2-Hotel, Merchandise Parking Garage_November 1976 to January 1977AIR RIGHTS -SITE #2 -HOTEL, MERCHANDISE MART, PARKING GARAGE. best interests of citizens of City, to enter into a contract providing for construction or a I,u00- room hotel, a 2500 space parking garage, and a 1 million sq. ft. merchandise mart; authorizing City Atty. to retain special counsel to assist him in negotiations and drawing of a proposed agreement; City to use best efforts to complete negotiations within thirty days; accepting offer of Trump Organization to provide a $100,000 good faith performance bond. 2 Date 11/23/76 Councilman Meyerson referred to negotiations 11/24/76 to be held with Trump Organization and suggested that City Atty, be authorized to retain a special attorney/negotiator in the preparation AIR RIGHTS -SITE ,T2 -HOTEL, MERCHANDISE MART, 4 PARKING GARAGE Date (continued) adjourned meeting to further review the matter. (NOTE: This was initially set for 12/16 at 4:00 p.m. However, was changed to 12/16/76 at 2:30 p.m. following 12/9/76 Council Meeting.) Mr. Rosenberg was asked to furnish an outline of questions to the Council for the special meeting. 12/8/76 Appearance by Atty. Morris Rosenberg to dis- cuss proposed Hotel/Merchandise Mart/Garage Complex, (deferred from 12/8/76). Deferred to Dec. 16, 1976. AIR RIGHTS -SITE #2 -HOTEL MERCHANDISE MART, PARKING GARAGE City Mgr. advised he had reviewed situation and concluded that neither the Council, Administra- tion, Blue Ribbon Committee nor the City Atty. had been given full information, and that he had serious questions concerning what was in- volved, and as of 10:23 a.m. he terminated the services of Mr. Richard Lankenau. V.M. Weinstein requested Administration to use utmost diligence in proceeding to interest responsible, reputable firms in developing this type of project at this site. Mr. Harry Plissner appeared and said he believed he had additional information on the subject, and requested to be placed on the 1/19/77 agenda. Mayor Rosen suggested to Mr. Plissner thanhe meet with City Mgr. for discussion of matter. 12/15/76 6 Date 1/5/77 AIR RIGHTS -SITE #2 -HOTEL MERCHANDISE MART, PARKING GARAGE (continued) concerned agencies as may be required. Fol- lowing appearance by Mr. Harry Plissner, who claimed that public hearings must be held prior to leasing of City property for the purposes contemplated, in view of the additional traffic that will be generated, and its effect on the existing business establishments, Councilman Dr. Haber requested City Mgr. to furnish Council with complete report on what had happened in connection with withdrawal of Trump Organiza- tion's interest. City Mgr. reported that mat- ter is presently under investigation by a Feder- al agency and is i:herefore out of the City's hands; however, by next meeting, he will furnish 1/19/77 8 Date AIR RIGHTS - SITE #2 - HOTEL, MERCHANDISE MART, 1 PARKING GARAGE Date Report of Hotel Advisory Committee re: selec- 11/3/76 tion of developer for a hotel and merchandise mart on Site #2. Deferred per City Manager's request, inasmuch as Committee is not prepared to render report at this time. City Mgr. re- quested to notify all members of Council when future meetings are to be held so those who can may attend. Councilman Spaet also requested that the Council be notified of any unusual happenings in the City prior to the Council's learning of such items through the media. Res. #76-15184 adopted, accepting proposal of 11/23/76 Trump Organization to make an offer to City insofar as it is legal, practicable and to AIR RIGHTS -SITE #2 -HOTEL, MERCHANDISE MART, PARKING GARAGE of contract for this project. Council considered and approved City Atty's recommendation that Mr. Morris Rosenberg be retained as the special atty.; and also authorized City Atty. should he and Mr. Rosenberg determine that a negotiator will be re- quired, to retain in that capacity either Mr. Dan Paul, the firm of Leventhal & Horvath, or Mr. S.Z. Bennett. City Atty. to advise Council as to fees required for these services. Mr. Rosenberg appeared and reviewed questions 12/8/76 which had arisen in his discussions with the proposed operators of hotel/merchandise mart/ garage complex. Council agreed to establish 3 Date 11/24/76 AIR RIGHTS -SITE #2 -HOTEL, MERCHANDISE MART, 5 PARKING GARAGE Date Mr. Morris Rosenberg, Attorney, presented an 12/176 outline of the various phases of his consider- ations for necessary contracts and leases for proposed Hotel/Merchandise Mart/Garage Complex. At conclusion of discussion, Mr. Rosenberg ad- vised that he would come back to Council with a document which the Council could use as a base for a final agreement. He indicated he would avail himself of the use of the Tech- nical Committee and the Administration. Coun- cilman Haber requested a written report from the Administration prior to the meeting with Mr. Rosenberg as to costs to the City of this development. AIR RIGHTS -SITE ##2 -HOTEL MERCHANDISE MART, 7 PARKING GARAGE Date (FROM ADDENDUM) Special Assistant for Economic 1/5/77 Development appeared and rendered oral report. (See entry,Card #6 of this date). Discussion on going forward with proposed hotel/ 1/19/77 merchandise mart project, requested by Council- man Dr. Wikler. He urged that the City Mgr. be authorized to proceed with plans for development of a Merchandise Mart, but before proceeding with replacing the Special Assistant for Economic De- velopment, that City Mgr. be directed to deter- mine status of current and proposed projects of Miami with a view towards coordination and co- operation to eliminate duplication of effort, in- cluding scheduling of such meetings between the AIR RIGHTS -SITE #2 -HOTEL, MERCHANDISE MART, 9 PARKING GARAGE Date (continued) Council with an updated report, after he has reviewed matter with Federal agency involved. 1/19/77 Memo #6279, Merchandise Mart/Hotel Conv. Center- 4/6/77 update and recommended procedure for future action. Deferred to April 20, 1977 for a full Council. Memo #6279, Merchandise Mart/Hotel Conv. Cen- 4/20/77 ter - update and recommended procedure for future action (deferred from 4/6/77). Not reached. Deferred to 5/4/77.