Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program_November 1970 to May 1974%co ho1,c 9-0-citb; l; a\-1 ori r•M ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM Drug addiction of Armed Forces personnel: proposed Res. (Greene) not seconded. Advisory Committee: Judges Grover, Sweet, to meet with ADM. for appointmt of Committee. ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM CC approved $5,41+9. from Contingency Funds. CC to be advised when Program needs more funds. City Atty to prepare Ord. re drunkenness, processing alcoholics. -1- Meeting date CC approved $7,700 from Contingency Funds for balance of yr; City Mgr to reevaluate re further pursuit of program for '71-'72 budget. Judge Nelan Sweet appearance. Code amendmt to be prepared eliminatg "drunkenness"as crime (Greene). Eliminating "drunkenness" as crime deleted from agenda (Greene). 11-25-70 4-21-71 5-5-71 2 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM Meeting Date Meeting date Judge Sweet request for reinstatemt of program on 11-3. Restoration of program for $23,000 - City Mgr to report re funding source 11-17. 5-18-71 9-15-71 10-20-71 11-3-71 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM 4 Meeting Date Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program established by RES. NO. 13540 (no definite term) 4/19/72 Mr. Fred Anderson, Rev. Arthur E. Colton, Kenneth H. Doig, Robert L. Grover, Philip S. Haswell, Marvin G. Issacson, Dr. Irving Lehrman, Syvil Marquitt, Lawrence Medoff,M.D. Jean Jones Perdue, M.D., Nelan Sweet, J. Jerry Zeltzer At request of Judge Nelan Sweet,City Council appropriated $6,000 from Contingency Fund to supplement the Program to end of current fiscal year. Appointed Wm. J. Schusel 6/7/72 8/16/72 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM 6 Meeting Date by City, and to provide for same in 1974-75 Metro budget, requesting that existing Alcoholic Rehab. Program personnel be retained as Metro employees, particularly its Director, Mr. Philip Haswell. 4/17/74 Appearance by municipal Judge Helen Sweet to request Council reconsideration of their action on Apr. 17, 1974 to turn over to Dade County the program in next fiscal year - not reached. Deferred to May 15, 1974. 5/1/74 Appearance of Municipal Judge Nelan Sweet to request Council reconsider their action on 4/17/74 to turn over to Dade Qounty Alcoholic Rehab.Pgm. in next fiscal year.Deferred to 6/5/74. 5/15/74 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM 8 Meeting Date 8puearance by ,Judge Nelan Sweet to request 7/10/74 o ncill reconsideration of their action on April 17, 1974, to turn over to Dade Co. the Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program in the next fiscal year. No action taken on request. Letter rro`m—To. Manager dated -57-3, 1974, accepting transfer of Alcoholic Reha- bilitation Program to Dade Co. ., Res.#74-14439-Agreement extension for Alcoholic Rehab. Program to September 30, 1974.(Memo #4701) 8/7/74 -;Letter of Nov. 7, 1974, re: transfer of equipment filed in Agreement file #105. Councilman Magnesrr�oevedl that the, total alcoholics programCarried 9/30/71 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM Meeting date Proposed resolution creating an Advisory Committee for administration of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program deferred until Municipal Judges can be present (per City Atty.'s report.) Action deferred to 2/2/72 on creating Committee for Administration of the Alcoholic Rehabilita- tion ehabilita- tion Program. Action deferred re: creation of Advisory Comm. RES.13540 adopted creating Advisory Committee of 12 members.Judge Grover was requested to submit recommendations of membership 1-5-72 1/19/72 2/2/72 2/16/72 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM 5 Meeting Day Memo. 3928 add'1. appropriation for ers n el salaries until transfer eected approved rrom Contingency Fund. Res. 73-14056- authorizing application to Bureau of Alcoholic Rehabilitation State Div. of Mental Health, for 1973-74 grant for program. 2 appointments made. Res. 74-14298 authorizing execution of contract between City of M.B. and Dade County Mental Health Bd. Res. 74-14347 adopted, requesting Metro Dade County to assume operation and expense of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program now funded 3/7/73 7/18/73 9/19/73 3/6/74 ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM 7 Date rrequestnCouncilureconsiderationeofntheir action weet to 6/5/74 4/17/74, to turn over Alcoholic Rehab. Program to Dade Cty. in next fiscal yr.(Deferred from 5/15/74) - Deferred to 6/19/74, 2:30 P.M., for full Council. Administration requested to ascertain from Metro whether City's offer officially accepted by Metro Commission and to determine, if Program is turned over to Metro, whether it will be retained in City of M.B. in present form, with present personnel. Appearance by Judge Sweet re turning over 6/19/7' Alcoholic Rehab.Program to Dade Cty.(see above), deferred to 7/10/74, 2:15 P.M.