Appraisals Authorized_February 1965 to October 1966APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Book Page44. APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. for valuation of properties re. bond issue, re.negotiations, etc. $1,200.00 6-16-65 49 Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. $150. approved 6-23-65 49 Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. $400.00 for appraisal of rental value of air rights Lincoln Lane Parking Area approved. APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 10-7-65 Book Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. $720.00 in connection with negotiations on Lot 2, Blk 6, 41st St. Business Sub. approved. Copy of scale used by professional appraisers requested. 12-15-65 49 $650.00 statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. for 5 letters of opinion of value (requested by Parking Committee) 124 approved for payment. Appropriation authorized from UCF 2=3-65 48 350 43 Book Page 145 ;tatement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal for 'ertificates of Appraisal (Lots 23,24,25, .st Ocean Front Sub.) $250. and Letter of )pinion of Value, Blks 19 & 20, ADM#1,$600. pproved for payment. 3-3-65 48 394 49 325 ;tatement of J. N. Lummus, Jr. $300.00 _or appraisal report on Donner property Ipproved for payment. 5-19-65 49 45 Page APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED Payment to S.Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. approved in amount of $2,100 for services in connection with Shoremede Hotel property, appropriation 478 from Parking Revenue Bond Funds. 10-19-66 51 129 Payment to S.Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. approved in amount of $3,650 for services in connection with Collins Ave. widening Orojects. - Fir1 report re. Collins Ave. widening filed with records of this meeting. 11-9-66 89 50 Book Page Statement of S. Z. Bennett $1,500 for preparation etc. for trial re. Lots 23, 24, 25, 1st Ocean Front Sub. (Donner property) approved. 12-15-65 49 479. APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED City Mgr. authorized to employ appraisers in connection with acquisition of property on ocean between 5th & 6th Sts. and 81st to 87th Sts. 5-4-66 50 300 Book Page Statement of Wm. Bates Cole for services, appraisal of Fisher Island Property $5,000 approved for payment. 5-18-66 50 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 51 173 46 Book Page Statements of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. approved - total of $450.00. Appropriation from UCF. 1-5-66 50 18 Statement of Southeastern Appraisal Co. re. services in connection with purchase of Donner Property - $1,350.00 303 approved. 1-5-66 50 Statement of S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. re. acquisition of right-of-way for widening Collins Ave. $7,260.00 Statement of John E. Milloway for services, appraisal of Fisher Island Property, $5,000 approved for payment. 5-18-66 50 303 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED (cont' d ) as required by Government. 9-21-66 51 49 Book Page 33 Statement of S.Z. Bennett Appraisal Co. approved in amount of $7,975 for services in connection with acquisition of Shoremede and Dayton properties, with appropriation authorized from Parking Revenue Bond funds. 10-10-66 51 96 18 approved. 3-2-66 50 136 APPRAISALS AUTHORIZED 48 Book Page City Mgr. authorized to employ W. Bates Cole and E. D. Keefer, appraisers, re. acquisition of property, 81st - 87th Sts. & Collins Ave.; 5th - 6th Sts. 6-22-66 50 387 S.Z. Bennett authorized to make a formal appraisal of Shoremede property and to negotiate acquisition. 7-28-66 50 439 City Mgr. authorized to employ appraisers in connection with appraisals necessary re. Shoremede property and property on west side of Collins Ave. opposite Shoremede. (contd)