Art In Public Buldings (Parks Dept. Function)_September 1974 to December 1975IAr�- NpL)bl,L / s'ks Not fuf\d-i0(\ ART IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS 2 Date Art in Public Places, Inc., request for Coun- 12/10/75 cil's endorsement of project to place work of art on Cony. Center Site. Area in front of Theater of P. A. approved as site for placement of work of art so as to comply with Committee's requirements in order to apply for grant to National Foundation for the Arts. (See card Art in Public Places for additional entriesl Memo #5400, selection for new Municipal Admin. 12/10/75 Bldg. (deferred from 11/19/75). Deferred to 1/21/76 at 11:00 a.m. Time Certain. V. M. Haber requested full report as to how selection of artist was determined, included in which is to be some of the thinking and back-up discussed by Committee prior to arriving at their decision. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Art in Public,Places, Inc. request for Council's endorsement of project to place work of art on Convention Center site in vicinity of Theater of the Performing Arts without cost to City; approved; said endorsement will comply with Committee's requirement to apply for matching grant to National Foundation for the Arts. Date 12/10/75 ART IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1 Meeting DatE Discussion of guidelines for implementation of county ordinance No. 73-77 deferred to Dec. 19/73 at request of City Mgr. 12/12/73 Discussion of guidelines for implementation of County Ord. Res. 73-14230 adopted, copy 12/19/73 oflmplementation Guidelines attached. V.M. Meyerson requested the Admin. to 9/19/74 consider an appropriation from the bond issue for the Youth Center to be used for art in public buildings, per Dade Co. guidelines adopted by the City. City Att'y requested to review provisions of Res. #74-14230 to determine who is final authority for approval of art work. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Resolution No. 76-14955 adopted, authorizing City Manager to execute application in support of request of Art in Public Places, Inc. to National Foundation of Arts for matching funds for erection of sculpture in vicinity of Theatre of Performing Arts without cost to City (approved by CC 12/10/75) City Mgr. advises Council that Request for funds approved; that implementing resolutions will be returned to Council on 8/17/77 2 Page 2/4/76 8/3/77