Art In Public Buildings And Places_January 1976 to September 1978ART IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS 3 Date Memo #5400, art in public buildings, (deferred 1/21/76 from 12/10/75). Deferred to Feb. 4, 1976, 11:00 a.m. Time Certain, for a full Council. Brd. and Committee reports (deferred from 1/21/76). 2/4/76 Memo #5400, recommendation of Ad Hoc Committee for Art in Public Buildings, Admin. approved: (a) selection of artist - Res. #76-14954 adopted, authorizing execution of contract with Mrs. Barbara Neijna Martinez, to create a sculpture, at a total commission fee of $60,000, to include all fabrication, casting and installation. (c) implementa- tion guidelines for Dade Co. Ord. No. 73-77. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Rs #7b-105409 ado{�ted confirming acceptance o $5'b, 0 grant e Nacional Endowment for the Arts for a major sculpture to be located in area of New Civic and Conv. Center, in accor- dance with request of letter of National En- dowment for the Arts dated 8/1/77. Dr. Marvin Sackner, Chairman of Art in Public Places Committee, appeared and advised that Committee will raise $50,000 matching funds, and that no City funds are involved. 3 Date 8/17/77 Res. ##78-15711 adopted, authorizing execution 9/6/78 of agreement between CMB and Roy Lichtenstein and Art in Public Places, Inc., for creation of sculpture to be located in front of TOPA. (See ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 4 (continued) Date Theater of Performing Arts). 9/6/78 Memo #8308, committee abolished. 10/1/80