Art In Public Buildings_April to August 1977 (2)ART 1N PUBLIC BUILDINGS 7
(continued) Date
retain Charles Perry, at fee of $26,000, and
Harry Hilson, at fee of $7,000; authorized ap-
propriation of $34,000 from Youth Center bond
issue, with direction to Committee that funds
be provided for a Youth Art Contest, and end
project to be displayed in the Youth Center.
(1972 Bond Issue) (Deferred from 11/24/76).
Memo #6268, request for waiver of provision 4/6/77
in contract for New City Hall sculpture for
all subcontractors to be licensed in Dade Co.,
Res. #77-15309 adopted, authorizing execution 4/6/77
of agreement with Mr. Harry Nilson for creation
ART IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS (Parks Dept. Function) 8
(continued) Date
of 17 - 4' x 8' wax -painted banners for the
skating rink, at a total fee of $7,000 in-
cluding all fabrication, casting and instal-
lation. 4/6/77
Res. #77-15310 adopted, authorizing execution 4/6/77
of agreement with Mr. Charles Perry for creation
of metal sculpture to be located on exterior of
Youth Center, at a total fee of $26,000 including
all fabrication, casting and installation.
Representstive of Committee for Art in Public 8/3/77
Buildings appeared and presented recommendation
for Youth Center sculpture as commissioned by
City Council on April 6, 1977, sculpture
ART IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS (Parks Dept. Function) 9
(continued) 8/Date
shown in Presentation No. 1 approved.
City Mgr. advised that National Endowment for 8/3/77
the Arts had approved the request of Art in
Public Places, Inc., for matching funds for
sculpture placement in vicinity of TOPA, and
that required resolutions would be presented
to City Council on Aug. 17, 1977.
Res. #77-15409 adopted, confirming acceptance 8/17/77
OF $50,000 grant of National Endowment for the
Arts for a major sculpture to be located in
area of New Civic and Conv. Center, in accor-
dance with request of letter of National En-
dowment for tie Arts dated 8/1/77.