Assessments_April 1955 to April 1964ASSESSMENTS 8.
(cont.) Book Page
method of arriving at assessments than
last year. Action deferred.
3-18-64 46 468
Discussion of assessment manual.
Letter from Tax Assessor read re.
testing of manual. Motion to adopt
manual principles fails. Motion made
to have Tax Assessor compute building
valuations onsquare foot basis. City Mgr.
advises Council it has no right to tell
Tax Assessor how to arrive at assessments;
cites Charter provisions. Ben Shepard gives
opinion. Tax Assessor advises he will
roceed with use of square foot method as
nasis of assessment of valuationlfo4r 46 491
structuxes on v
Book Page
Recommendations of City Engineer Lipp
for methods of making adjustments in
assessment rolls for paving, sidewalk
and whiteway work to be done as a part
of the coming bond issue to be followed
4-6-55 37 92
Recommendations of City Mgr. for
methods of making adjustments
in assessment rolls for paving and
sidewalk work to be done as
part of forthcoming bond issue 2/25/59 41 l