Assessments_September 1961 to January 1969ASSESSMENTS 7.
Book Page
Request for return of interest paid by
Temple Menorah, 620 - 75th St. on
improvement assessments referred to
City Mgr. 9-6-61 44 189
S. Z. Bennett's memo to City Mgr. read
re. review of assessment manual. City Mgr.
suggests Council approve authenticity of
manual so that tax assessor can pursue his
course. Action deferred. 3-4-64 46 464
Discussion re. approval in principle of
assessment manual to be used as new measuring
device in evaluating structures. City Mgr.
advises this is in accordance with recent
directions of Council to devise better (cont.)
Book Page
Recommendations of City Mgr. for
methods of making adjustments in
assessments on assessable projects to
be included in the 1965 bond issue.
4-21-65 49 3
Res. #12027 requesting modification of
Florida statute (millage reduction in
proportion to increase in assessments)
1-11-67 51 325
Tax Assessor of Metro requested to conduct
investigation of assessments of Miami Beach
property. 7-19-67 52 129
Resolution #12610 adopted formally requesting
Metro for exemption from taxes from dates of
acquisition, properties set forth in schedule
attached to resolution, for 1968. 1-15-69 54 138
Reference to communication received from
City Attorney re. Metro action taken without
notifying City of Miami Beach in reducing
assessment by more than 50% and to detrimental
effect on City taxes; as there are 25 more suits
of this nature it could result in higher millage
for taxpayers of City. 1-15-69 54 139