20120321 Workshop PowerPoint PresentationStyle Timeline History Timeline History Timeline Local Historic District Designation 1986-2011 William Cary Adding Value: Development and Preservation on Miami Beach Significance of Miami Beach in the History of Design -Denise Scott Brown to Norman Giller, January 26, 1973. I:. r- , , , . * , i.i I The Flexibility of Preservation Adaptive RE -use Harmonious ADDITIONS to historic architectural styles Miami Beach as a BRAND Miami Beach as DESTINATION FOR WORLD CLASS EVENTS Michael Kinerk The Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation Preservation Timeline 'I' I- mi- MDPL Tour Program Daily tours: more than 7000 tourists annually. Specialty tours North Shore MiMo Tour Tour Guide Academy Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation Update 2010 South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida Case Study: Synthesis of Historic Preservation and Economic Development BY Jedediah Drolet, Research Associate David Listokin, Ph.D. Edward J. Bloustein Center for Urban Policy Research School of Planning & Public Policy Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Top Tourist Attractions in Greater Miami, 2008 60.0 FIGURE 7.9 Total Sales, Accommodation and Food Services Sector Miami Beach, Florida 2002 to 2008 $1,800,000,000 $1,600,000,000 $1,400,000,000 $1,200,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ~'pnnnmip Imparts of Historic Preservation Update 2010 11 1 FIGURE 7.11 Accommodation and Food Services Sector Miami Beach, Florida 2002 to 2008 Year Establishments Total Sales 2002 454 $950,290,402 Emulovees 14,159 15,382 17,512 17,328 17,751 16,718 16,427 Fconomic Impacts of Historic Preservation Update 2010 k Spending on Construction in the City of Miami Beach, Florida Fiscal Years 198711988 to 200812009 Rehabilitation New Construction Total Construction Total City $2,292,132,171 100.00% $4,133,430,740 100.00% $6,425,562,911 100.00% Total Historic $1,347,196,355 58.77% $1,356,019,196 32.81% $2,703,215,550 42.07% Districts in City Historic $431,113,488 18.81% $293,881,591 7.11% $724,995,079 11.28% Districts in South Beach I Total Cost of Florida Rehabilitation Work Financed with Federal Tax Credits 1987 to 2010 $350,000,000 $300,000,000 - A $250,000,000 -. $200,000,000 - I $150,000,000 - I $100,000,000 - I I $50,000,000 - FIGURE 7.40 Total Cost of Dade County Rehabilitation Work Financed with Federal Tax Credits 1987 to 2010 I ~350,000,0w I Total Cost of Miami Beach Rehabilitation Work Financed with Federal Tax Credits 1987 to 2010 FIGURE 7.42 Total Cost of South Beach Rehabilitation Work Financed with Federal Tax Credits 1987 to 2010 Thoughts on the District Andrew Capitman The Future of Preservation and Development Victor Diaz The Future of Preservation and Development Victor Diaz