20120518 TO 20120519 Retreat ADD 1OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The Honorable Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor Commissioner Deede Weithorn May 15, 2012 Agenda Item-Commission Retreat Madam Mayor, -...... At the time of Mr. Rafael Granado's appointment as our new City Clerk and during a previous conversation with the City Manager and the City Attorney, I requested that we consider during the Commission Retreat whether the City Clerk should report directly to the City Commission. As such, I would like to formally request that this topic be added to the Commission Retreat to be held this coming Friday and Saturday. As per the job description posted by the Human Resources Department, the City Clerk is to receive "general direction and review of work by the City Commission." Therefore, it is proper to consider discussion as to whether the position of City Clerk shall report directly to and be appointed by the City Commission-as has been established with the positions of City Manager and City Attorney. Please accept this request in response to your memorandum dated May 15th' 2012 in reference to the Commission Retreat. As such please ensure proper notice for compliance with Florida's Sunshine Law. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, J)u_)J-~6~- Deede Weithorn, Commissioner \lVe oro commi!ted !o providing exce:llenl public service ond sofeiy lo oil who live, vvork, ond ploy in our vibroni, lropicof; historic community.